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Studio de Game Design


19 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Quel genre de jeu vous aimeriez qu'on fasse?

    • FPS
    • TPS
    • RPG
    • Platformer
    • Survival Horror
    • Fighting
    • RTS
    • Puzzle
    • Beat Em Up
    • Rail Shooter
    • Course
    • Sport
    • Autre

Déchet(s) recommandé(s)

Je suis entrain d'écrire le prochain article. Je rentre chez moi et je fini ca vers 19h30.

Donc, vous avez envie de faire quel genre de jeu? Shooter, RPG? Jeu de combat? RTS? Platformer?

Gênez vous pas aussi pour lacher des concepts. C'est supposé être du team work! Faut pas attendre après moi, Zealot ou Ogoda. N'importe qui peut participer et donner leur idées/opinions/suggestions. Faut pas nécéssairement être un fin connaisseur dans le domaine.

C'est d'ailleurs pour ca que je tente de donner un maximum d'info dans mon blog. Pour que vous sachiez, au moins, comment on rédige et pitch éfficacement les concepts. Puis aussi pour vous familiariser avec les mots plus techniques. Considerez vous chanceux, j'aurais tué moi pour avoir ce genre d'infos et opportunité à 16-17 ans.

J'avais presque oublié!

EDIT: Je viens de mettre un sondage. Votez don pour le genre de jeu que vous aimeriez faire.

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Bon, ok. Vu que ca lève pas, je vais me servir de ce thread comme échappatoir.

Je me fixe comme objectif de pondre AU MOINS un concept de jeu par jour. Oui!


School of Magicians: Gemini and the Black Tome

High Concept

Un jeune apprenti magicien libère l'esprit maléfique de Genku et est banni de son village.

Harry Potter meets Psychonauts.

Autres références: Toys Story, Magicien d'Oz, Tim Burton, Woody Alen, Toys (Robin Williams), Mickey Mouse, Evil Dead, Alice in Wonderland.


Platformer à la troisième personne avec quelques éléments RPG et un grand focus sur l'exploration et les puzzles.


Katamari Damacy: randomness, look, originalité

Elder's Scroll Oblivion: Telekenesis, summon, alchemy

Psychonauts: Divers pouvoir psychiques, style artistique

Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Castlevania: Alliés non-humain

Lost Vikings: Utilisation tactiques des alliés

Radiata Stories, Zelda: Day/Night system


Le joueur a plusieurs pouvoirs magiques à sa disposition. Mais il devra les entrainer pour pouvoir les maitriser et s'en servir éfficacement. Chaque pouvoir magique a 5 niveaux (1. Begginer, 2. Intermediate 3. Advanced 4. Expert 5. Master). Plus le joueur utilise ses pouvoirs, plus il gagne de l'expérience.

Le joueur devrait pouvoir intéragir de différentes manières avec les objets et l'environement au tour de lui.

Le joueur devrait être en mesure de socialiser avec tout les habitants du village.

Chaque habitant du village devrait avoir propre personalité, son horraire et son opinion sur le joueur. Et cette dernière devrait pouvoir changer.

Le joueur peut recruter temporairement des alliés et capturer des monstres-alliés. Il pourrait peut-être leur donner des ordres ou il serait simplement contrôllé par le AI.

L'exploration et l'expérimentation devrait être encouragé. Ainsi que le user created content.

Le joueur devrait avoir plusieurs outils en sa disposition. Pour lui permettre d'expérimenter avec les objets et son environement.

Le joueur doit composer avec un système de jour/nuit.


  • Pouvoir de donner vie au toucher.
  • Pouvoir de se rapetisser, devenir miniature.
  • Pouvoir de se transformer en objet ou créature (doppleganger).
  • Pouvoir d'invoquer des créatures.
  • Possibilité de créer des potions et des armes.
  • Possibilité de personaliser son avatar.
  • Day/Night System
  • Magic learning system
  • Camera lock system


Le jeu se déroule dans un monde fantastique fictif, une dimension psychedelique et déformée. Plus précisément, dans le continent de Zouiz (whatever) et ses environs. Les personnages sont petits et farfelus. Les enemis sont des monstres et créatures de toute sortes, tout aussi bizarres les uns que les autres.


Le joueur incarne Gemini, jeune apprenti magicien de la planète Winglo. Gemini rêve de devenir le plus célèbre des magiciens. Alors il va à l'école des magiciens et il étudie très fort pour atteindre son but. Mais Gemini a beaucoup de difficulté à garder le rythme des autres élèves et il se décourage.

-Introduction (cin)
-Gameplay, 2 jours a l'école (in game)
-introductions des personnages
-Familiarisation avec les contrôles et le context
-Présentation du Day/Night system au joueur
-Découragement (in game cin)

Un jour, alors qu'il était à la biliothèque, il tombe sur un livre sacré et d'apparence ténébreuses contenant des sorts interdits. Un de ces sorts est celui de donner la vie à un objet inanimé. Gemini a peur mais il est aussi très curieux et aventurier de nature. Alors il essaie le sort sur une chaise, mais ca ne fonctionne pas. Très frustré de constater son échec, il lance le livre de toute ses forces contre le mur. Il se laisse choire sur la chaise avec un air découragé. Aussitôt qu'il s'assoie, la chaise prend vie. Elle s'exclame: «Hey toi! Enlève tes sales fesses de mon visage!» Gemini sursaute, se lève d'un trait et se retourne. Il n'en reviens pas. La chaise est entrain de se moquer de son gros derrière et se plains d'odeur nauséabonte: «Phew! C'est moi ou tu viens de lâcher une caisse? Putain que ca fouette ici d'dans.» ... «Non mais qu'est-ce que tu regardes? T'as jamais vu une chaise? *silence awkward* Espèce de pervers...»

Tu.. tu parles?

«Je parles, je marche, je saute, je chante et je danse aussi! Regarde ca.» *la chaise se met à faire du breakdance pendant quelques secondes puis redeviens soudainement inanimé en plein milieu d'un spin.*


Gemini s'approche de la chaise et lui donne quelques coups mais elle ne réagit pas. Il se retourne vers le livre ouvert par terre. Il s'approche pour voir la page qui est présentement ouverte. On peut y voir un dessin et des symboles bizaroides. Gemini ferme le livre, le met dans son sac et rentre chez lui.

-Visite a la bibliotheque de l'école (in game)
-Première invitation a l'exploration (recherche et lecture de livres, socialisation)
-Introduction du Black Tome et d'un feature clé (cin)
-Retour a la maison (in game)
-Familiarisation avec les lieux

Rendu a la maison, Gemini s'amuse a donner vie a quelques objets mais il se rend compte qu'un seul objet peut etre animé a la fois. Après quelques essaies, il décide qu'il va essayer de donner vie au livre. Gemini croit que c'est une bonne idée: "Avoir un prof livre, ca peut être pratique. Et c'est pas moins chiant que lire toute les pages unes par unes!" Se dit-il.

Évènement déclancheur: Gemini donne vie au livre sacré. Ce dernier s'échappe par la fenêtre et répend les ténèbres et la destruction partout sur son passage.

-Invitation a l'exploration, 
-Ressurection du Black Tome (cin)
-Début de panique et d'action
-Introduction aux combats et premier puzzles

Gemini se fera eventuellement renvoyer de l'école des magiciens et bannir de son village natale pour avoir utilisé des sorts interdits et semer la terreur sur le continent de Zouiz (lulz).

Note: A ce stade, le joueur devrait avoir comme pouvoirs: "La vie au touché' et pouvoir magiques de bases (feu, eau, vent, guérison). Tous au niveau de débutant.

Target Audience

13+ Jeu pour tous mais avec quelques themes mature et humour noir/douteux peut être. Le look enfantin et amical mais le publique visé serait plus core. Le jeu devrait toute fois rester accessible pour le publique casual. Mais avoir assez de challenge, de bonus et de rejouabilité pour satisfaire les durs.

Hardware Platform

Xbox 360 / PS3

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Je me fixe comme objectif de pondre AU MOINS un concept de jeu par jour.


Baron Samdi: the weekend voodoo curse

High Concept

Un detective investigue une série de meurtres et suit les traces d'un psychopathe qui paie des citoyens pour qu'ils commettent des crimes à sa place.

Eternal Darkness meets Condemn meets Saw.

Autres références: Joker (Batman: the dark knight), Scream, Battle Royale, Atmosfear, London voodoo, Sebastian's Voodoo, Million Dollar Man, Colombo, Coraline...


TPS en alternance avec FPS Survival Horror.


Call of Cthulhu, Condemn: mood, histoire, gameplay

Eternal Darkness Insanity gauge

Fear, Dead Space: Effects, Hud

Fatal Frame: Photos

Silent Hill: Paranormale, ambiance


Le joueur investigue les meurtres et tentes de trouver le plus de preuves et d'indices.

Le joueur peut tirer avec son fusil, utiliser son taser ou se battre à main nu.

Le joueur peut ressentir la présence d'esprits et parfois même se retrouver possedé.

Le joueur pourra eventuellement posseder et/ou utiliser les poupées voodoo à son avantage. (?)

L'emphase devrait être mis sur l'exploration des lieux. Et le joueur devrait être grandement récompensé s'il décide d'investiguer le plus possible son environement.

Quelques éléments puzzles (facultatif ou non) devraient donner du fil à retordre. Il faut que le joueur se sente intelligent d'avoir résolu un mystère ou une énigme.

Plusieurs livres et journaux devrait être à la disposition du joueur.

Le joueur devra apprendre une langue mystérieuse à travers la lecture de divers dictionnaire et livres anciens mystérieux.

Cette langue servira pour communiquer avec les esprits contenus dans les poupées voodoo.


  • Divers gadgets à la disposition du joueur.
  • Capacity d'utiliser la magie voodoo.
  • Pouvoir de contrôller les esprits voodoo.
  • Système d'insanité.
  • Système de scan.
  • Possibilité de prendre et archiver des photos.


Le jeu se déroule dans une ville metropolitaine fictive. Genre de Montréal alternatif a une époque moderne. Le jeu est réaliste mais parsemé de paranormal. Les enemis sont soit humains, animaux, soit des présences maléfiques ou les poupées voodoo elles mêmes.


Thomas, detective d'expérience au passé mystérieux, investigue une série de meutres qui semblent gratuits et interreliés. Les crimes semblent s'accumuler de jour en jour et la population s'affole. Les meurtres deviennent de plus en plus violent et on commence à suspecter des sorciers voodoo d'être derrière toute cette masquarade.

Le jeu commence avec une première investigation anodine dans une maison random puis se déroule majoritairement dans le bureau de police, le centre ville et le metro.

Note: Le joueur commence le jeu avec seulement une caméra, une lampe de poche, un fusil et quelques gadgets à sa disposition. Les autres features seront introduit au fur et à mesure et plus précisément après l'évènement déclancheur.

Target Audience

18+ Jeu pour adulte du au langage vulgaire, la nudité, la violence gore et les thèmes matures.

Hardware Platform

Xbox 360 / PS3

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Je me fixe comme objectif de pondre AU MOINS un concept de jeu par jour.


untitled/ Project Psychic Realm

High Concept

Un jeune homme avec de nombreux pouvoir psychiques explore une ville immense

Dark City meets Psychonauts meets Okami.

Autres références: Stranger in a Strange Land, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Dark City, Akira, Futurama, Starcraft, Call of Cthulhu, Lensman...


Action aventure à la première personne avec des éléments RPG.


Dark Sector: Arme intéressante

Psychonauts: Divers pouvoir psychiques, style artistique

Fall Out 3: Monde, exploration, intéraction

Okami: Features intéressantes, coté artistique du gameplay

Zelda, Chibi Robot: Utilisation de divers outils et de gadgets

Worms, Red Faction: Environement entièrement destructible

Fracture: Environement modifiable

Chronicles of Riddick: Monde et abiletés


Le joueur devrait pouvoir intéragir de différentes manières avec les objets et l'environement au tour de lui.

Le joueur devrait être en mesure de socialiser avec tout les habitant de la ville.

Chaque habitant de la ville devrait avoir propre personalité, son horraire et son opinion sur le joueur. Et cette dernière devrait pouvoir changer.

L'exploration et l'expérimentation devrait être encouragé.

Le jeu devrait avoir une quantité considérable de user created content.


  • Arme boomerang
  • Pouvoir de telekenesis (élévation et déplacement d'objets leger)
  • Pouvoir de mind reading
  • Divers pouvoirs psychiques
  • Utilisation d'outils variés
  • Pouvoir de ramasser et lancer des props
  • Possibilité de personaliser son avatar
  • Possibilité de personaliser son arme, son linge, ses outils et sa voiture etc.


Le jeu se déroule dans une ville fictive futuristique. Semblable a Tokyo ou New York. Donc dans un environement très cyberpunk/sci-fi. Les personnages que le joueur rencontre sont des humains, des mutants, des extra-terrestres ou des robots.


Un jeune homme se réveille d'un cauchemard avec divers pouvoirs don ils ignore la provenance. Il est amnésique et souffre de schyzophrénie aigu. Il sort de chez lui quelques instant mais retourne vite à l'intérieur.

Le monde qu'il découvre dehors semble immense et térrifiant. Comme si on l'avait congelé et qu'il s'était reveillé 100 ans plus tard. Il ne connait rien à la technologie, au coutumes, à la politiques ou à l'histoire. Il est perdu, ne se souvient de presque rien, a peur. Alors la première chose qu'il va faire c'est chercher des points de repère, de l'information et de l'aide.

Mais il va rapidement se rendre compte que le monde n'est plus aussi friendly que dans ses souvenirs. La ville est rempli de gang de rues, de criminels, d'anarchistes, de mutants, de mendiants, de pauvres. Et tous semble lutter pour la survie.

Target Audience

14+ pour langage vulgaire, violence et thèmes matures.

Hardware Platform


edit: j'ai aussi ajouté de l'info sur le premier post. Parce que ca ne semblait pas clair. Alors pour ceux qui aurait pas trop compris le but du sujet:

L'idée est de faire toute la conception et la pré-production d'un jeu vidéo. Ce que ca veut dire en gros c'est le brainstorm, la recherche, le design, la documentation, une présentation power point, le concept art, la rédaction de l'histoire, un prototype de niveau (ou le proof of gameplay) ainsi que la rédaction d'un Game Design Document complet. Le pitch au producteur et/ou le mod sont entièrement facultatif.

Nous sommes présentement en phase de conception.

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Question de rendre les choses plus intéressante, je vais établir un véritable time line (peut-être que ca va vous motiver). On va faire comme si c'était un vrai projet. :)

Ce projet va durer environ 9 mois en tout. Je prévois 2-3 mois de conception et 4-6 mois de pré-production. J'allonge le plus possible pour permettre le plus de participation et d'échange entre les membres. Et aussi question d'avoir quelque chose de poussé et non juste botché tout ca.

Je m'engage personnellement à passer à travers toute les étapes. Si personne d'autre participe, alors vous allez simplement me regarder aller et ce sera tant pis pour vous, hehe.


Nous sommes le 6 Septembre 2009. Nous sommes en phase de conception depuis le 31 juillet. Et nous avons jusqu'au 31 septembre pour chier un max de concepts! Après cette date, il sera trop tard pour soumettre de nouveau concepts (first draf) mais vous pourrez toujours donner vos idées pour améliorer les concepts existants.

Veuillez noter que cette timeline n'est pas absolu. Je pourrais décider par exemple qu'on fait le GDD et le prototyping en même temps (ce qui va sans doute arriver). Et ces deux étapes peuvent prendre quelques jours comme elles peuvent prendre plusieurs mois. Ca va dépendre du genre de jeu qu'on fait et de nos ambitions. Il est aussi possible qu'on saute carrément le GCD et le pitch si on fait un mod. Dans tout les cas, on va commencer la rédaction du game design document immédiatement après la phase de brainstorm. (inutile d'attendre que le pitch et le prototyping soit terminé avant de commencer le document)

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Je me fixe comme objectif de pondre AU MOINS un concept de jeu par jour.


code name Morning Star

High Concept

Un gros BS psychotique, parano et stoned dans le pays des merveilles doit sauver le monde des esprits maléfiques.

Matrix meets Waynes World.

Autres références: Dude, Where's My Car?, The Host, Evil Dead, Austin Powers, Flintstones, Dumb & Dumber, Jumanji...


2.5 D Platform with Beat em up elements


Shadow Complex, Pandemonium: 2.5 Sidecroll

Psychonauts, Okami: Monde farfelu

Falshback: Monde

Earthworm Jim: Humour, look

Beyond Good and Evil: Monde, gameplay

Banjo Kazoui, CBFD: Randomness


Le joueur est schyzophrène, paranoiaque et drogué. Ce qui laisse place a aucune contrainte artistique, musicale ou visuelle. Tout devrait être mélangé et donner un ramassi de n'importe quoi.

Le joueur a souvent des hallucinations et mirages et sombre parfois dans le "Out World", un monde ou règne la folie, les ténèbres et le psychedellique.

Chaque personnage, enemi, objet et arme devrait avoir deux apparences. Soit pour le monde normal et le Outworld.

Le joueur possède plusieurs chapeaus, masques et gadgets a sa disposition.

Le joueur a une caméra a sa disposition pour tourner des scènes et faire des court métrages.


  • Outworld
  • Masque et chapeau donne divers pouvoirs
  • Pouvoirs néfaste de la drogue
  • Posibilité d'enregistrer avec une caméra
  • Pouvoir de "transformer" son environement et ses enemis (?)


Le jeu se déroule dans une version fictive de ville de montréal et se transporte dans le outworld. Un monde ou tout est déformé, sombre et psychedelique. Les personnages et ennemis peuvent être n'importe qui et n'importe quoi.


Jean-Philippe, le grand, rêve de devenir réalisateur de films pornos. Après un premier quart de sa vie plutot difficile, il se décide enfin à mettre ses projets en marchent. Il écrit plusieurs scénarios et commence à tourner quelques scènes dans ses temps libre. Mais il se rend vite compte que tout ce qu'il écrit devient réalité.. ou presque.

Convaincu qu'il est la cible d'esprits maléfiques qui veulent lui voler son talent, il fuit le confort de sa maison. Jean-Philippe est sur d'être l'élu des dieux, le messie qui a pour mission de sauver tout les Outsiders de ce monde.

Target Audience

16+ pour thèmes de drogues, sexualité perverse et maladies mentales

Hardware Platform

Xbox 360

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Je me fixe comme objectif de pondre AU MOINS un concept de jeu par jour.


Galaxie Fighters

High Concept

Jeu de combat tactique 3D avec vol, super pouvoirs et combos.

Dragon Ball/Psychic Force meets Matrix meets Street Fighter/Killer Instinct.


Fighting avec élément tactique et rail shooter (?).


DragonBall/Psychic Force: Combats volant, energie

Street Fighter/GuiltyGears: Combos, super moves, personnages

Killer Instinct: C-c-c-combo breaker!

Virtua Fighter IV: Counter attacks, technique

Matrix: Effets spéciaux, bullet time.

Mortal Kombat: Finishers, violence, surnaturel, dimension.


Chaque personnage peut bloquer une attaque (et recevoir 1/3 de damage) ou utiliser une technique d'évasion (plus difficile, 0 dmg). Une fois l'attaque bloqué ou évité, le joueur peur contre-attaqué. Cette contre-attaque peut elle même être bloqué ou évité mais ne peut jamais être contre-attaqué.

Le joueur peut utiliser son energie pour créer un bouclier défensif ou lancer des attaques à mid/long range.

Chaque personnage possède deux attaques pour chaque type range (short, medium, long).

Chaque personnage a au moins 4-5 moves, 2 special moves et 1 finisher bien à eux.

Chaque personnage peut utiliser sa stamina/energie pour temporairement augmenter sa vitesse (sprint/dash).

Lorsque le joueur enchaine des combos, il augmente son special gauge. Lorsque le joueur recoit du damage, il augmente son anger gauge. Lorsque le anger est a son maximum -soit lorsque le joueur est à danger- on peut soit performer une attaque désespérée ou encore entrer en mode "frenzy".

Chaque personnage à la possibilité de briser un combo automatique (difficile).

Chaque personnage peut s'infliger lui même du damage pour augmenter plus rapidement son energie et son anger. (le joueur ne peut pas se tuer lui même par contre)


  • Short, mid & long range attacks
  • Super moves (energy gauge)
  • Finishers
  • Evade/Counters
  • Retaliate/Frenzy (anger gauge)
  • Fake attack
  • Reflex/Réaction
  • Sprint, Dash (stamina/energy)
  • Automatic and manual combos
  • Combo breakers


Le jeu se déroule dans une autre planète et à une époque très futuriste. Les personnages sont des humains, des anges, des démons, des mutans, des aliens et des robots.


lol, une histoire dans un jeu de combat. Genre ya un tournoi pis tout l'monde est invité. Boring!

Target Audience

14+ pour violence extrême et langage vulgaire.

Hardware Platform

Xbox 360 / PS3

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Je suis tombé sur un site intéressant don j'ignorais l'existence. C'est un site a propos de l'indie et du gameplay expérimental. A chaque mois ils font un genre de concours de game design. Ca l'air le fun.

Experimental Gameplay Project

We're a group of indie game developers, running a friendly competition every month. The rules: Make a game based on the month's theme, and don't spend more than 7 days. New games posted at the end of every month.

edit: Oups. Je viens de réaliser que le but c'est de coder nous même ou utiliser un game engine. Je pensais qu'il fallait seulement créer le concept pour le jeu en 7 jours. C'est pas mal plus hardcore que je pensais.

Thème du mois de Septembre:


September usually means a few things Stateside. In the north, the leaves start to change colors and the temperature drops from a temperate upper 70’s, to a hellishly cold 50 degrees. Theme parks close until Spring, and the movie industry begins it’s autumn snooze until it reawakens in time to cash in on the holidays. It’s also the time when most schools reopen, and students let out a collective groan while parents let out a collective sigh.

And while many of us here at EGP don’t fit into either category, we do like to pay tribute to a little something that everyone worries about with this month’s theme.

So how about it? Is anyone else ready to join us in FAILURE this month?

Des intéressés? Le principe c'est de créer un jeu en 7 jours maximum. En tout cas je lâche l'info pour ceux qui aurait envie d'essayer dequoi. Ca peut aussi être un board game sur papier. Pas obligé d'être coder ni rien.

Il vous reste 3 semaines si vous voulez participer à la phase conception en passant. En espérant que vous allez participer un peu plus lors du brainstorm! Sinon, je pense que je vais abandonner le thread. C'est un peu ridicule si je suis tout seul a participer. Aussi bien travailler et documenter en privé.

Et j'ai updaté la liste de sites sur le premier post.

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Ok, ca me tente vraiment de participer à leur truc. Vous allez donc assister à ma première réussite ou mon premier échec (probablement échec) dans le game design! Je pense pas que ca mérite un nouveau thread alors je vais chier tout le progress ici. J'ai donc 7 jours pour concevoir, écrire, scripter et monter un prototype jouable d'un jeu basé sur le thème "Failure".

Mercredi 9 Septembre - JOUR #1

Aujourd'hui est donc mon premier jour! Je capote déjà (not). Ok, première chose: Je pense que ca serait une bonne idée de planifier et répartir mon temps en ordre de priorité et d'importance.

j1. conception

j1. inspiration et recherche

j2. apprentissage du game engine

j3. expérimentation du game engine

j4. prototypage

j5. prototypage + art work

j6. debug + musique

j7. finalisation et upload

Ca me semble un bon plan.

Maintenant plus en détail pour aujourd'hui:

j1 Conception


6-9h: brainstorm sur le thème failure.


12-15h: inspiration, images et vidéos.


8-23h: rédaction du first draft et élaboration du pipeline.

L'engin sera choisi en fonction de mon concept. Je ne suis pas programmeur donc je pourrai pas tout coder from scratch évidemment. Ca va probablement être un engin 2d comme Game Maker, AGS, GF, rpg maker ou Mugen. Ca va m'ajouter un niveau de diffulté car je n'ai jamais touché à ces game engines (a part RPG maker). Alors je vais devoir prévoir 1 ou 2 jours de la semaine pour apprendre et me familiariser avec l'engin. Dans le pire des cas, je pourrais toujours botché dequoi avec Flash.

Ok, prochain post: j1.conception/brainstorm

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j1 Conception


6-9h: brainstorm sur le thème failure.

C'est toujours bon de commencer à regarder toutes les définitions du mot en question.

failure (plural failures)

1. State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success.

2. An object, person or endeavour in a state of failure or incapable of success.

3. Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function.

[edit] Antonyms

* (state or condition): success

"Failure refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. Product failure ranges from failure to sell the product to fracture of the product, in the worst cases leading to personal injury, the province of forensic engineering."

Criteria for failure

The criteria for failure are heavily dependent on context of use, and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. A situation considered to be a failure by one might be considered a success by another, particularly in cases of direct competition or a zero-sum game. Similarly, the degree of success or failure in a situation may be differently viewed by distinct observers or participants, such that a situation that one considers to be a failure, another might consider to be a success, a qualified success or a neutral situation.

It may also be difficult or impossible to ascertain whether a situation meets criteria for failure or success due to ambiguous or ill-defined definition of those criteria. Finding useful and effective criteria, or heuristics, to judge the success or failure of a situation may itself be a significant task.

Types of failure

Failure can be differentially perceived from the viewpoints of the evaluators. A person who is only interested in the final outcome of an activity would consider it to be an Outcome Failure if the core issue has not been resolved or a core need is not met. A failure can also be a process failure whereby although the activity is completed successfully, a person may still feel dissatisfied if the underlying process is perceived to be below expected standard or benchmark.

1. Failure to anticipate

2. Failure to perceive

3. Failure to carry out a task

Loser is a derogatory term for a person who is (according to the standards of the observer) in general unsuccessful.

Commercial failures

A commercial failure is a product that does not reach expectations of success.

Most of the items listed below had high expectations, significant financial investments, and/or widespread publicity, but fell far short of success. Due to the subjective nature of "success" and "meeting expectations," there can be disagreement about what constitutes a "major flop."

* For flops in computer and video gaming, see List of commercial failures in computer and video gaming

* For company failures related to the 1997–2001 Dot-com bubble, see Dot-com company

* See also Vaporware

Internet memes

Adaptation of above image illustrating an Internet Meme

"Fail" is the name of a popular Internet meme where users superimpose a caption, often the word "fail" or "epic fail," onto photos or short videos depicting unsuccessful events or people falling short of expections.[1] In July 2003, a contributor to Urban Dictionary wrote that the term, "fail," could be used as an interjection, "when one disapproves of something," citing the example: "You actually bought that? FAIL." This most likely originated as a shortened form of "You fail" or, more fully, "You fail it," the taunting "game over" message in the late 1990s Japanese video game Blazing Star, notorious for its fractured English.[2][3][4]

The term "miserable failure" has also been popularized as a result of a widely known "Google bombing," which caused Google searches for the term to turn up the White House biography of George W. Bush.[5]

En fait, j'ai cherché pas mal tout ce qui avait rapport avec la "failure". De la bonne lecture en perspective. :)

System Failure

Cascading Failure

A cascading failure is a failure in a system of interconnected parts in which the failure of a part can trigger the failure of successive parts.


Blackouts, Byzantine failure...

Power Outage

A power outage (also known as a power cut, power failure, power loss, or blackout) refers to the short- or long-term loss of the electric power to an area.

There are many causes of power failures in an electricity network. Examples of these causes include, faults at power stations, damage to power lines, substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, or the overloading of electricity mains.


Power outages are categorized into three different phenomena, relating to the duration and effect of the outage:

* A dropout is a momentary (milliseconds to seconds) loss of power typically caused by a temporary fault on a power line. Power is quickly (and sometimes automatically) restored once the fault is cleared.

* A brownout is a drop in voltage in an electrical power supply, so named because it typically causes lights to dim. Systems supplied with three-phase electric power also suffer brownouts if one or more phases are absent, at reduced voltage, or incorrectly phased. Such malfunctions are particularly damaging to electric motors.

* A blackout refers to the total loss of power to an area and is the most severe form of power outage that can occur. Blackouts which result from or result in power stations tripping are particularly difficult to recover from quickly. Outages may last from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the nature of the blackout and the configuration of the electrical network.


Fail-safe or fail-secure describes a device or feature which, in the event of failure, responds in a way that will cause no harm or at least a minimum of harm to other devices or danger to personnel. Fail-safe components of a system are distinguished from fail-secure components in that, in the former, component failure allows but does not cause or invite a certain improper system behavior, whereas in the latter, component failure does not allow a certain improper system behavior, although some proper behaviors are impeded. For example, a lock that unlocks at the wrong time has failed, but it may be considered fail-safe if its failure does not send the door flying open or attract undue attention to the door's unlocked state. In contrast, a fail-secure lock will remain locked during a failure, but cannot be unlocked even by the correct key.


[edit] Mechanical or physical

An F/A-18A Hornet lights its afterburners to maintain full power following a night arrested landing aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman

* Aircraft landing on an aircraft carrier increase the throttle to full power at touchdown. If the arresting wires fail to capture the plane, it safely takes off again.[1]

* Coiling/Rolling Fire Doors that are activated by building alarm systems or local smoke detectors must close automatically when signaled regardless of power. In case of power outage the coiling fire door does not need to close, but must be capable of automatic closing when given a signal from the building alarm systems or smoke detectors. A temperature sensitive fusible link may be employed to hold the fire doors open against gravity or a closing spring. In case of fire, the link melts, releases the doors and they close.

* Luggage carts in airports in which the hand-brake must be held down at all times. If it is released, the cart will stop. See dead man's switch.

* Air brakes on railway trains and air brakes on trucks. The brakes are held in the 'off' position by air pressure created in the brake system. Should a brake line split, or a carriage become de-coupled, the air pressure will be lost and the brakes applied. It is impossible to drive a train or truck with a serious leak in the air brake system.

* Motorized gates - In case of power outage the gate can be pushed open by hand with no crank or key required. However, as this would allow virtually anyone to go through the gate, a fail-secure design is used: In a power outage, the gate can only be opened by a hand crank that is usually kept in a safe area.

* During early Apollo program missions to the Moon, the spacecraft was put on a free return trajectory – if the engines failed at lunar orbit insertion, the craft would safely coast back to Earth.

Fail Deadly, Dead man's switch...

Murphy's Law

Murphy's law is an adage that broadly states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

"I never had a slice of bread,

Particularly large and wide,

That did not fall upon the floor,

And always on the buttered side."

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way."

"nothing is that predictable"

Unintended Consequence

Unintended consequences are outcomes that are not (or not limited to) the results originally intended by a particular action. The unintended results may be foreseen or unforeseen, but they should be the logical or likely results of the action. For example, some historians have speculated that if the Treaty of Versailles had not imposed such humiliating conditions on Germany, World War II would not have occurred.[1] From this perspective, one might consider the war an unintended consequence of the treaty.

Unintended consequences can be grouped into roughly three types:

* a positive unexpected benefit, usually referred to as serendipity or a windfall

* a negative or perverse effect, that may be contrary to what was originally intended

* a potential source of problems, such as described by Murphy's law

Discussions of unintended consequences usually refer to the situation of perverse results. This situation can arise when a policy has a perverse incentive and causes actions contrary to what is desired.

"The "law of unintended consequences" (also called the "law of unforeseen consequences") states that any purposeful action will produce some unanticipated or unintended consequences.[2]

This maxim is not a scientific law; it is more in line with Murphy's law as a warning against the hubristic belief that humans can fully control the world around them. Stated in other words, each cause has more than one effect, and these effects will invariably include at least one unforeseen side effect. The unintended side effect can potentially be more significant than any of the intended effects."

White Elephant

A white elephant is a valuable possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness.

The term derives from the sacred white elephants kept by Southeast Asian monarchs in Burma, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. To possess a white elephant was regarded (and is still regarded in Thailand and Burma) as a sign that the monarch was ruling with justice and power, and that the kingdom was blessed with peace and prosperity.[1] The tradition derives from tales in the scriptures which associate a white elephant with the birth of Buddha, as his mother was reputed to have dreamed of a white elephant presenting her with a lotus flower, a symbol of wisdom and purity, on the eve of giving birth.[2] Because the animals were considered sacred and laws protected them from labor, receiving a gift of a white elephant from a monarch was both a blessing and a curse: a blessing because the animal was sacred and a sign of the monarch's favour, and a curse because the animal had to be kept and could not be put to practical use to offset the cost of maintaining it.

The Order of the White Elephant consists of eight grades of medals issued by the government of Thailand. A humorous story concerns a servant at Buckingham Palace on whom a Thai king once announced he was bestowing a "white elephant". The man checked with the London Zoo to see whether they would take it, and was relieved to discover that it was only a decoration.[citation needed]

Structural Failure

Structural failure refers to loss of the load-carrying capacity of a component or member within a structure or of the structure itself. Structural failure is initiated when the material is stressed to its strength limit, thus causing fracture or excessive deformations. The ultimate failure strength of the material, component or system is its maximum load-bearing capacity. When this limit is reached, damage to the material has been done, and its load-bearing capacity is reduced permanently, significantly, and quickly.

Deadman's Switch

A dead man's switch (for other names, see alternative names), as its name suggests, is a switch that is automatically operated in case the human operator becomes incapacitated.

The switch usually stops a machine, and is a form of fail-safe. They are commonly used in locomotives, aircraft refuelling, freight elevators, lawn mowers, tractors, jet skis, outboard motors, chainsaws, snowblowers and snowmobiles.

Such a switch may also be used to detonate a bomb. This can be applied in suicide bombing, to trigger the explosive if the bomber is killed or overpowered. This is a fail-deadly mechanism, rather than a fail-safe mechanism. The Special Weapons Emergency Separation System is another application of a dead man's switch in the field of nuclear weapons.

Heart Failure

Heart failure (HF) is a condition in which a problem with the structure or function of the heart impairs its ability to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the body's needs.[1] It should not be confused with cardiac arrest (see Terminology, below).

Common causes of heart failure include myocardial infarction and other forms of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathy.[2] Heart failure can cause a large variety of symptoms such as shortness of breath (typically worse when lying flat, which is called orthopnea), coughing, ankle swelling and reduced exercise capacity. Heart failure is often undiagnosed due to a lack of a universally agreed definition and challenges in definitive diagnosis. Treatment commonly consists of lifestyle measures (such as decreased salt intake) and medications, and sometimes devices or even surgery.

Heart failure is a common, costly, disabling and deadly condition.[2] In developing countries, around 2% of adults suffer from heart failure, but in those over the age of 65, this increases to 6–10%.[2][3] Mostly due to costs of hospitalization, it is associated with a high health expenditure; costs have been estimated to amount to 2% of the total budget of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, and more than $35 billion in the United States.[4][5] Heart failure is associated with significantly reduced physical and mental health, resulting in a markedly decreased quality of life.[6][7] With the exception of heart failure caused by reversible conditions, the condition usually worsens with time. Although some patients survive many years, progressive disease is associated with an overall annual mortality rate of 10%.[8]


Heart failure is a global term for the physiological state in which cardiac output is insufficient for the body's needs.

This occurs most commonly when the cardiac output is low (often termed "congestive heart failure").[9]

In contrast, it may also occur when the body's requirements for oxygen and nutrients are increased, and demand outstrips what the heart can provide, (termed "high output cardiac failure") [10]. This can occur in the context of severe anemia, Gram negative septicaemia, beriberi (vitamin B1/thiamine deficiency), thyrotoxicosis, Paget's disease, arteriovenous fistulae or arteriovenous malformations.

Fluid overload is a common problem for people with heart failure, but is not synonymous with it. Patients with treated heart failure will often be euvolaemic (a term for normal fluid status), or more rarely, dehydrated.

Doctors use the words "acute" to mean of rapid onset, and "chronic" of long duration. Chronic heart failure is therefore a long term situation, usually with stable treated symptomatology.

Acute decompensated heart failure, which should just describe sudden onset HF, is also used to describe exacerbated or decompensated heart failure, referring to episodes in which a patient with known chronic heart failure abruptly develops symptoms.[citation needed]

There are several terms which are closely related to heart failure, and may be the cause of heart failure, but should not be confused with it:

* Cardiac arrest, and asystole both refer to situations in which there is no cardiac output at all. Without urgent treatment, these result in sudden death.

* Heart attack refers to a blockage in a coronary (heart) artery resulting in heart muscle damage.

* Cardiomyopathy refers specifically to problems within the heart muscle, and these problems usually result in heart failure. Ischemic cardiomyopathy implies that the cause of muscle damage is coronary artery disease. Dilated cardiomyopathy implies that the muscle damage has resulted in enlargement of the heart. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy involves enlargement and thickening of the heart muscle.

[edit] Classification

There are many different ways to categorize heart failure, including:

* the side of the heart involved, (left heart failure versus right heart failure)

* whether the abnormality is due to contraction or relaxation of the heart (systolic dysfunction vs. diastolic dysfunction)

* whether the problem is primarily increased venous back pressure (behind) the heart, or failure to supply adequate arterial perfusion (in front of) the heart (backward vs. forward failure)

* whether the abnormality is due to low cardiac output with high systemic vascular resistance or high cardiac output with low vascular resistance (low-output heart failure vs. high-output heart failure)

* the degree of functional impairment conferred by the abnormality (as in the NYHA functional classification)

Functional classification generally relies on the New York Heart Association Functional Classification.[11] The classes (I-IV) are:

* Class I: no limitation is experienced in any activities; there are no symptoms from ordinary activities.

* Class II: slight, mild limitation of activity; the patient is comfortable at rest or with mild exertion.

* Class III: marked limitation of any activity; the patient is comfortable only at rest.

* Class IV: any physical activity brings on discomfort and symptoms occur at rest.

This score documents severity of symptoms, and can be used to assess response to treatment. While its use is widespread, the NYHA score is not very reproducible and doesn't reliably predict the walking distance or exercise tolerance on formal testing.[12]

In its 2001 guidelines, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association working group introduced four stages of heart failure:[13]

* Stage A: Patients at high risk for developing HF in the future but no functional or structural heart disorder;

* Stage B: a structural heart disorder but no symptoms at any stage;

* Stage C: previous or current symptoms of heart failure in the context of an underlying structural heart problem, but managed with medical treatment;

* Stage D: advanced disease requiring hospital-based support, a heart transplant or palliative care.

The ACC staging system is useful in that Stage A encompasses "pre-heart failure" - a stage where intervention with treatment can presumably prevent progression to overt symptoms. ACC stage A does not have a corresponding NYHA class. ACC Stage B would correspond to NYHA Class I. ACC Stage C corresponds to NYHA Class II and III, while ACC Stage D overlaps with NYHA Class IV.

[edit] Diagnostic criteria

No system of diagnostic criteria has been agreed as the gold standard for heart failure. Commonly used systems are the "Framingham criteria"[14] (derived from the Framingham Heart Study), the "Boston criteria",[15] the "Duke criteria",[16] and (in the setting of acute myocardial infarction) the "Killip class".[17]

[edit] Signs and symptoms

[edit] Symptoms

Heart failure symptoms are traditionally and somewhat arbitrarily divided into "left" and "right" sided, recognizing that the left and right ventricles of the heart supply different portions of the circulation. However, heart failure is not exclusively backward failure (in the part of the circulation which drains to the ventricle).

There are several other exceptions to a simple left-right division of heart failure symptoms. Left sided forward failure overlaps with right sided backward failure. Additionally, the most common cause of right-sided heart failure is left-sided heart failure. The result is that patients commonly present with both sets of signs and symptoms.

[edit] Left-sided failure

Forward failure of the left ventricle causes congestion of the pulmonary vasculature, and so the symptoms are predominantly respiratory in nature. The patient will have dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion (dyspnée d'effort) and in severe cases, dyspnea at rest. Increasing breathlessness on lying flat, called orthopnea, occurs. It is often measured in the number of pillows required to lie comfortably, and in severe cases, the patient may resort to sleeping while sitting up. Another symptom of heart failure is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea also known as "cardiac asthma", a sudden nighttime attack of severe breathlessness, usually several hours after going to sleep. Easy fatigueability and exercise intolerance are also common complaints related to respiratory compromise.

Compromise of left ventricular forward function may result in symptoms of poor systemic circulation such as dizziness, confusion and cool extremities at rest.

[edit] Right-sided failure

Backward failure of the right ventricle leads to congestion of systemic capillaries. This helps to generate excess fluid accumulation in the body. This causes swelling under the skin (termed peripheral edema or anasarca) and usually affects the dependent parts of the body first (causing foot and ankle swelling in people who are standing up, and sacral edema in people who are predominantly lying down). Nocturia (frequent nighttime urination) may occur when fluid from the legs is returned to the bloodstream while lying down at night. In progressively severe cases, ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity causing swelling) and hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver) may develop. Significant liver congestion may result in impaired liver function, and jaundice and even coagulopathy (problems of decreased blood clotting) may occur.

[edit] Signs

[edit] Left-sided failure

Common respiratory signs are tachypnea (increased rate of breathing) and increased work of breathing (non-specific signs of respiratory distress). Rales or crackles, heard initially in the lung bases, and when severe, throughout the lung fields suggest the development of pulmonary edema (fluid in the alveoli). Dullness of the lung fields to finger percussion and reduced breath sounds at the bases of the lung may suggest the development of a pleural effusion (fluid collection in between the lung and the chest wall). Cyanosis which suggests severe hypoxemia, is a late sign of extremely severe pulmonary edema.

Additional signs indicating left ventricular failure include a laterally displaced apex beat (which occurs if the heart is enlarged) and a gallop rhythm (additional heart sounds) may be heard as a marker of increased blood flow, or increased intra-cardiac pressure. Heart murmurs may indicate the presence of valvular heart disease, either as a cause (e.g. aortic stenosis) or as a result (e.g. mitral regurgitation) of the heart failure.

[edit] Right-sided failure

Physical examination can reveal pitting peripheral edema, ascites, and hepatomegaly. Jugular venous pressure is frequently assessed as a marker of fluid status, which can be accentuated by the hepatojugular reflux. If the right ventriclar pressure is increased, a parasternal heave may be present, signifying the compensatory increase in contraction strength.

[edit] Causes

[edit] Chronic Heart Failure

The predominance of causes of heart failure are difficult to analyze due to challenges in diagnosis, differences in populations, and changing prevalence of causes with age.

A 19 year study of 13000 healthy adults in the United States (the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) found the following causes ranked by Population Attributable Risk score: [18]

1. Ischaemic Heart Disease 62%

2. Cigarette Smoking 16%

3. Hypertension (high blood pressure)10%

4. Obesity 8%

5. Diabetes 3%

6. Valvular Heart Disease 2% (much higher in older populations)

An Italian registry of over 6200 patients with heart failure showed the following underlying causes: [19]

1. Ischaemic Heart Disease 40%

2. Dilated Cardiomyopathy 32%

3. Valvular Heart Disease 12%

4. Hypertension 11%

5. Other 5%

Rarer causes of heart failure include:

* Viral Myocarditis (an infection of the heart muscle)

* Infiltrations of the muscle such as amyloidosis

* HIV cardiomyopathy (caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

* Connective Tissue Diseases such as Systemic lupus erythematosus

* Abuse of drugs such as alcohol

* Pharmaceutical drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents.

* Arrhythmias

Obstructive Sleep Apnea a condition of sleep disordered breathing overlaps with obesity, hypertension and diabetes and is regarded as an independent cause of heart failure.

[edit] Acute decompensated heart failure

Main article: Acute decompensated heart failure

Chronic stable heart failure may easily decompensate. This most commonly results from an intercurrent illness (such as pneumonia), myocardial infarction (a heart attack), arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, or a patient's failure to maintain a fluid restriction, diet or medication.[20] Other well recognised precipitating factors include anaemia and hyperthyroidism which place additional strain on the heart muscle. Excessive fluid or salt intake, and medication that causes fluid retention such as NSAIDs and thiazolidinediones, may also precipitate decompensation.[21]


This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2007)

Heart failure is caused by any condition which reduces the efficiency of the myocardium, or heart muscle, through damage or overloading. As such, it can be caused by as diverse an array of conditions as myocardial infarction (in which the heart muscle is starved of oxygen and dies), hypertension (which increases the force of contraction needed to pump blood) and amyloidosis (in which protein is deposited in the heart muscle, causing it to stiffen). Over time these increases in workload will produce changes to the heart itself:

* Reduced contractility, or force of contraction, due to overloading of the ventricle. In health, increased filling of the ventricle results in increased contractility (by the Frank-Starling law of the heart) and thus a rise in cardiac output. In heart failure this mechanism fails, as the ventricle is loaded with blood to the point where heart muscle contraction becomes less efficient. This is due to reduced ability to cross-link actin and myosin filaments in over-stretched heart muscle.[22]

* A reduced stroke volume, as a result of a failure of systole, diastole or both. Increased end systolic volume is usually caused by reduced contractility. Decreased end diastolic volume results from impaired ventricular filling – as occurs when the compliance of the ventricle falls (i.e. when the walls stiffen).

* Reduced spare capacity. As the heart works harder to meet normal metabolic demands, the amount cardiac output can increase in times of increased oxygen demand (e.g. exercise) is reduced. This contributes to the exercise intolerance commonly seen in heart failure. This translates to the loss of one's cardiac reserve. The cardiac reserve refers to the ability of the heart to work harder during exercise or strenuous activity. Since the heart has to work harder to meet the normal metabolic demands, it is incapable of meeting the metabolic demands of the body during exercise.

* Increased heart rate, stimulated by increased sympathetic activity in order to maintain cardiac output. Initially, this helps compensate for heart failure by maintaining blood pressure and perfusion, but places further strain on the myocardium, increasing coronary perfusion requirements, which can lead to worsening of ischemic heart disease. Sympathetic activity may also cause potentially fatal arrhythmias.

* Hypertrophy (an increase in physical size) of the myocardium, caused by the terminally differentiated heart muscle fibres increasing in size in an attempt to improve contractility. This may contribute to the increased stiffness and decreased ability to relax during diastole.

* Enlargement of the ventricles, contributing to the enlargement and spherical shape of the failing heart. The increase in ventricular volume also causes a reduction in stroke volume due to mechanical and contractile inefficiency.[23]

The general effect is one of reduced cardiac output and increased strain on the heart. This increases the risk of cardiac arrest (specifically due to ventricular dysrhythmias), and reduces blood supply to the rest of the body. In chronic disease the reduced cardiac output causes a number of changes in the rest of the body, some of which are physiological compensations, some of which are part of the disease process:

* Arterial blood pressure falls. This destimulates baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch which link to the nucleus tractus solitarius. This center in the brain increases sympathetic activity, releasing catecholamines into the blood stream. Binding to alpha-1 receptors results in systemic arterial vasoconstriction. This helps restore blood pressure but also increases the total peripheral resistance, increasing the workload of the heart. Binding to beta-1 receptors in the myocardium increases the heart rate and make contractions more forceful, in an attempt to increase cardiac output. This also, however, increases the amount of work the heart has to perform.

* Increased sympathetic stimulation also causes the hypothalamus to secrete vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone or ADH), which causes fluid retention at the kidneys. This increases the blood volume and blood pressure.

* Reduced perfusion (blood flow) to the kidneys stimulates the release of renin – an enzyme which catalyses the production of the potent vasopressor angiotensin. Angiotensin and its metabolites cause further vasocontriction, and stimulate increased secretion of the steroid aldosterone from the adrenal glands. This promotes salt and fluid retention at the kidneys, also increasing the blood volume.

* The chronically high levels of circulating neuroendocrine hormones such as catecholamines, renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone affects the myocardium directly, causing structural remodelling of the heart over the long term. Many of these remodelling effects seem to be mediated by transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), which is a common downstream target of the signal transduction cascade initiated by catecholamines[24] and angiotensin II[25], and also by epidermal growth factor (EGF), which is a target of the signaling pathway activated by aldosterone[26]

* Reduced perfusion of skeletal muscle causes atrophy of the muscle fibres. This can result in weakness, increased fatigueability and decreased peak strength - all contributing to exercise intolerance.[27]

The increased peripheral resistance and greater blood volume place further strain on the heart and accelerates the process of damage to the myocardium. Vasoconstriction and fluid retention produce an increased hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries. This shifts of the balance of forces in favour of interstitial fluid formation as the increased pressure forces additional fluid out of the blood, into the tissue. This results in edema (fluid build-up) in the tissues. In right-sided heart failure this commonly starts in the ankles where venous pressure is high due to the effects of gravity (although if the patient is bed-ridden, fluid accumulation may begin in the sacral region.) It may also occur in the abdominal cavity, where the fluid build-up is called ascites. In left-sided heart failure edema can occur in the lungs - this is called cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. This reduces spare capacity for ventilation, causes stiffening of the lungs and reduces the efficiency of gas exchange by increasing the distance between the air and the blood. The consequences of this are shortness of breath, orthopnoea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

The symptoms of heart failure are largely determined by which side of the heart fails. The left side pumps blood into the systemic circulation, whilst the right side pumps blood into the pulmonary circulation. Whilst left-sided heart failure will reduce cardiac output to the systemic circulation, the initial symptoms often manifest due to effects on the pulmonary circulation. In systolic dysfunction, the ejection fraction is decreased, leaving an abnormally elevated volume of blood in the left ventricle. In diastolic dysfunction, end-diastolic ventricular pressure will be high. This increase in volume or pressure backs up to the left atrium and then to the pulmonary veins. Increased volume or pressure in the pulmonary veins impairs the normal drainage of the alveoli and favors the flow of fluid from the capillaries to the lung parenchyma, causing pulmonary edema. This impairs gas exchange. Thus, left-sided heart failure often presents with respiratory symptoms: shortness of breath, orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

In severe cardiomyopathy, the effects of decreased cardiac output and poor perfusion become more apparent, and patients will manifest with cold and clammy extremities, cyanosis, claudication, generalized weakness, dizziness, and syncope

The resultant hypoxia caused by pulmonary edema causes vasoconstriction in the pulmonary circulation, which results in pulmonary hypertension. Since the right ventricle generates far lower pressures than the left ventricle (approximately 20 mmHg versus around 120 mmHg, respectively, in the healthy individual) but nonetheless generates cardiac output exactly equal to the left ventricle, this means that a small increase in pulmonary vascular resistance causes a large increase in amount of work the right ventricle must perform. However, the main mechanism by which left-sided heart failure causes right-sided heart failure is actually not well understood. Some theories invoke mechanisms that are mediated by neurohormonal activation. Mechanical effects may also contribute. As the left ventricle distends, the intraventricular septum bows into the right ventricle, decreasing the capacity of the right ventricle.

[edit] Systolic dysfunction

Heart failure caused by systolic dysfunction is more readily recognized. It can be simplistically described as failure of the pump function of the heart. It is characterized by a decreased ejection fraction (less than 45%). The strength of ventricular contraction is attenuated and inadequate for creating an adequate stroke volume, resulting in inadequate cardiac output. In general, this is caused by dysfunction or destruction of cardiac myocytes or their molecular components. In congenital diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the molecular structure of individual myocytes is affected. Myocytes and their components can be damaged by inflammation (such as in myocarditis) or by infiltration (such as in amyloidosis). Toxins and pharmacological agents (such as ethanol, cocaine, and amphetamines) cause intracellular damage and oxidative stress. The most common mechanism of damage is ischemia causing infarction and scar formation. After myocardial infarction, dead myocytes are replaced by scar tissue, deleteriously affecting the function of the myocardium. On echocardiogram, this is manifest by abnormal or absent wall motion.

Because the ventricle is inadequately emptied, ventricular end-diastolic pressure and volumes increase. This is transmitted to the atrium. On the left side of the heart, the increased pressure is transmitted to the pulmonary vasculature, and the resultant hydrostatic pressure favors extravassation of fluid into the lung parenchyma, causing pulmonary edema. On the right side of the heart, the increased pressure is transmitted to the systemic venous circulation and systemic capillary beds, favoring extravassation of fluid into the tissues of target organs and extremities, resulting in dependent peripheral edema.

[edit] Diastolic dysfunction

Heart failure caused by diastolic dysfunction is generally described as the failure of the ventricle to adequately relax and typically denotes a stiffer ventricular wall. This causes inadequate filling of the ventricle, and therefore results in an inadequate stroke volume. The failure of ventricular relaxation also results in elevated end-diastolic pressures, and the end result is identical to the case of systolic dysfunction (pulmonary edema in left heart failure, peripheral edema in right heart failure.)

Diastolic dysfunction can be caused by processes similar to those that cause systolic dysfunction, particularly causes that affect cardiac remodeling.

Diastolic dysfunction may not manifest itself except in physiologic extremes if systolic function is preserved. The patient may be completely asymptomatic at rest. However, they are exquisitely sensitive to increases in heart rate, and sudden bouts of tachycardia (which can be caused simply by physiological responses to exertion, fever, or dehydration, or by pathological tachyarrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response) may result in flash pulmonary edema. Adequate rate control (usually with a pharmacological agent that slows down AV conduction such as a calcium channel blocker or a beta-blocker) is therefore key to preventing decompensation.

Left ventricular diastolic function can be determined through echocardiography by measurement of various parameters such as the E/A ratio (early-to-atrial left ventricular filling ratio), the E (early left ventricular filling) deceleration time, and the isovolumic relaxation time.

[edit] Diagnosis

Chest x-ray showing an enlarged cardiac silhouette due to congestive heart failure.

[edit] Imaging

Echocardiography is commonly used to support a clinical diagnosis of heart failure. This modality uses ultrasound to determine the stroke volume (SV, the amount of blood in the heart that exits the ventricles with each beat), the end-diastolic volume (EDV, the total amount of blood at the end of diastole), and the SV in proportion to the EDV, a value known as the ejection fraction (EF). In pediatrics, the shortening fraction is the preferred measure of systolic function. Normally, the EF should be between 50% and 70%; in systolic heart failure, it drops below 40%. Echocardiography can also identify valvular heart disease and assess the state of the pericardium (the connective tissue sac surrounding the heart). Echocardiography may also aid in deciding what treatments will help the patient, such as medication, insertion of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator or cardiac resynchronization therapy. Echocardiography can also help determine if acute myocardial ischemia is the precipitating cause, and may manifest as regional wall motion abnormalities on echo.

Chest X-rays are frequently used to aid in the diagnosis of CHF. In the compensated patient, this may show cardiomegaly (visible enlargement of the heart), quantified as the cardiothoracic ratio (proportion of the heart size to the chest). In left ventricular failure, there may be evidence of vascular redistribution ("upper lobe blood diversion" or "cephalization"), Kerley lines, cuffing of the areas around the bronchi, and interstitial edema.

[edit] Electrophysiology

An electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is used to identify arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, right and left ventricular hypertrophy, and presence of conduction delay or abnormalities (e.g. left bundle branch block). An ECG may also diagnose acute myocardial ischemia or infarction (if ST depression or elevation are present).

[edit] Blood tests

Blood tests routinely performed include electrolytes (sodium, potassium), measures of renal function, liver function tests, thyroid function tests, a complete blood count, and often C-reactive protein if infection is suspected. An elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a specific test indicative of heart failure. Additionally, BNP can be used to differentiate between causes of dyspnea due to heart failure from other causes of dyspnea. If myocardial infarction is suspected, various cardiac markers may be used.

According to a meta-analysis comparing BNP and N-terminal pro-BNP (NTproBNP) in the diagnosis of heart failure, BNP is a better indicator for heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. In groups of symptomatic patients, a diagnostic odds ratio of 27 for BNP compares with a sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 84% in detecting heart failure. [28]

[edit] Angiography

Heart failure may be the result of coronary artery disease, and its prognosis depends in part on the ability of the coronary arteries to supply blood to the myocardium (heart muscle). As a result, coronary catheterization may be used to identify possibilities for revascularisation through percutaneous coronary intervention or bypass surgery.

[edit] Monitoring

Various measures are often used to assess the progress of patients being treated for heart failure. These include fluid balance (calculation of fluid intake and excretion), monitoring body weight (which in the shorter term reflects fluid shifts).

[edit] Management

Main article: Management of heart failure

Treatment focuses on improving the symptoms and preventing the progression of the disease. Reversible causes of the heart failure also need to be addressed: (e.g. infection, alcohol ingestion, anemia, thyrotoxicosis, arrhythmia, hypertension). Treatments include lifestyle and pharmacological modalities.

[edit] Acute decompensation

Main article: Acute decompensated heart failure

In acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), the immediate goal is to re-establish adequate perfusion and oxygen delivery to end organs. This entails ensuring that airway, breathing, and circulation are adequate. Immediated treatments usually involve some combination of vasodialtors such as nitroglycerin, diuretics such as furosemide, and possibly non invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV).

[edit] Chronic management

The goal is to prevent the development of acute decompensated heart failure, to counteract the deleterious effects of cardiac remodeling, and to minimize the symptoms that the patient suffers. In addition to pharmacologic agents (oral loop diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, vasodilators, and in severe cardiomyopathy aldosterone receptor antagonists), behavioral modification should be pursued, specifically with regards to dietary guidelines regarding salt and fluid intake. Exercise should be encouraged as tolerated, as sufficient conditioning can significantly improve quality-of-life.

In patients with severe cardiomyopathy, implantation of an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator(AICD) should be considered. A select population will also probably benefit from ventricular resynchronization.

In select cases, cardiac transplantation can be considered. While this may resolve the problems associated with heart failure, the patient generally must remain on an immunosuppressive regimen to prevent rejection, which has its own significant downsides.

[edit] Palliative care and hospice

Without transplantation, heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease is not reversible, and cardiac function typically deteriorates with time. (In particular, diastolic function worsens as a function of age even in individuals without ischemic heart disease.) The growing number of patients with Stage D heart failure (intractable symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath or chest pain at rest despite optimal medical therapy) should be considered for palliative care or hospice, according to American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines.

[edit] Prognosis

Prognosis in heart failure can be assessed in multiple ways including clinical prediction rules and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Clinical prediction rules use a composite of clinical factors such as lab tests and blood pressure to estimate prognosis. Among several clinical prediction rules for prognosing acute heart failure, the 'EFFECT rule' slightly outperformed other rules in stratifying patients and identifying those at low risk of death during hospitalization or within 30 days.[29] Easy methods for identifying low risk patients are:

* ADHERE Tree rule indicates that patients with blood urea nitrogen < 43 mg/dl and systolic blood pressure at least 115 mm Hg have less than 10% chance of inpatient death or complications.

* BWH rule indicates that patients with systolic blood pressure over 90 mm Hg, respiratory rate of 30 or less breaths per minute, serum sodium over 135 mmol/L, no new ST-T wave changes have less than 10% chance of inpatient death or complications.

A very important method for assessing prognosis in advanced heart failure patients is cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX testing). CPX testing is usually required prior to heart transplantation as an indicator of prognosis. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing involves measurement of exhaled oxygen and carbon dioxide during exercise. The peak oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is used as an indicator of prognosis. As a general rule, a VO2 max less than 12-14 cc/kg/min indicates a poorer survival and suggests that the patient may be a candidate for a heart transplant. Patients with a VO2 max<10 cc/kg/min have clearly poorer prognosis. The most recent International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) guidelines ( also suggest two other parameters that can be used for evaluation of prognosis in advanced heart failure, the heart failure survival score and the use of a criteria of VE/VCO2 slope>35 from the CPX test. The heart failure survival score is a score calculated using a combination of clinical predictors and the VO2 max from the cardiopulmonary exercise test.

[edit] Epidemiology

This section requires expansion.

Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than 65.[30] In developed countries, the mean age of patients with heart failure is 75 years old.[4] In developing countries, two to three percent of the population suffers from heart failure, but in those 70 to 80 years old, it occurs in 20—30 percent.

See also:

# Cardiogenic shock

# Heart transplant

Ok, j'ai déjà fait un survol. Maintenant il me reste 1h pour chié un maximum d'idées de jeux. Ca devrait pas être difficile. Je vous reviens. :fuckerlchien:

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Brainstorm (suite)

Un peu d'ordre:

Thématique du jeu: Failure. Murphy's law + White Elephant + unintended consequences. Fate.

Toute la narration, l'histoire, la musique, le gameplay et les graphiques devraient être en lien avec le thème idéalement.

1. power outage, system failure, cascading failure...

2. white elephant, dead switch, heart failure, fail-safe...

3. Structural failure, commercial failure, cascading failure...

Genre possible: puzzle, platform, adventure ou rpg.

game engine/level editors possible: Hammer, Game Maker, GF, AVG, RPG maker, Flash.

Idées random:

-Jeu ou le joueur ne peut pas perdre. Ou il gagne à échouer (symboles inversés?)

-Jeu ou on doit causer le plus d'arrêt cardiaques possible. (fantome?)

-Jeu ou le joueur est récompenser quand il meurt ou subit un arrêt cardiaque (High Voltage?)

-Jeu ou on doit créer des inventions cheap pour des fins mal intentionnés.

-Jeu ou on doit créer une explosion, une émeute, une réaction en chaine.

-Jeu ou le joueur doit éteindre toute la lumière. Créer un black out total.

-Jeu ou le joueur doit envahir et infecté les serveurs, un ordi, un corps humain etc.

-Jeu ou le joueur doit tester des inventions fail-safes.

-Jeu ou le joueur incarne un dummy (meh, déjà fait)

-Will E Coyote = Fail!

-Jeu ou le joueur est un siamois.

-Jeu de danse ou le pire danseur gagne (ish)

-Jeu ou le joueur doit sacrifier ou s'humilier pour gagner.

-Le joueur est un super héro loser qui essaie en vain de sauver les habitants de la ville.

C'est pas pire, j'ai déjà fini la moitié de la conception en 2h. Ca été plus facile que je pensais. Maintenant, manque juste de l'inspiration artistique. :)

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j1. Conception


12-15h: inspiration, images et vidéos.




Failure happens

“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” -Samuel Beckett

What are the odds? Many failures happen frequently – but even low probability events happen at high scale.

* Natural disasters

* Load balancers corrupt packets

* Techs pull live fiber

* Routers black hole traffic

* Power and cooling failure

* NICS corrupt packets

* Disk drives fail

* Bits rot


Failure types

Scope: small to large

Duration: temp or permanent

Effect: harmless to catastrophic


“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

John Wooden

Amazon’s basic techniques for dealing with the depressing litany of tech failure includes:


Department of redundancy department.

A broadly applicable technique that increases durability, availability, cost, and complexity. Interesting analogy: seat belt & air bag vs belt & suspenders.

The focus is on avoiding catastrophe (seat belt/air bag) rather than over-engineering to avoid inconvenience (belt/suspenders).

Plan for the catastrophic loss of entire data center: redundantly store data in different data centers. Expensive, but once you’ve done it smaller features become belt & suspenders kinds of features: costly, inconvenient and they don’t solve big problems. [Ed. note: like RAID.]




Definition: lack of success

Synonyms: abortion, bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle, bust, checkmate, collapse, decay, decline, defeat, deficiency, deficit, deterioration, downfall, failing, false step, faux pas, fiasco, flash in the pan, flop, frustration, implosion, inadequacy, lead balloon, lemon, loser, loss, mess, misadventure, miscarriage, misstep, nonperformance, nonsuccess, overthrow, rout, rupture, sinking ship, stalemate, stoppage, total loss, turkey, washout, wreck

Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement, attainment, earnings, gain, merit, success, win“












Maintenant, quoi de mieux pour trouver de l'inspiration que d'écouter un film à chier qui échoue à tout les niveaux. :) Des suggestions?

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j1. Conception


20-23h: rédaction du first draft et élaboration du pipeline.

Je laisse tombé l'idée du puzzle. Ce n'est pas assez motivant et il y a trop de probabilités mathétiques = un enfer a scripter.

Ce que je retiens de tout mon brainstorming et inspiration:

  • “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”
    John Wooden
  • Synonyms: bankruptcy, breakdown, collapse, decay, deterioration, downfall, fiasco, flash in the pan, inadequacy, mess, misadventure, nonperformance, turkey.
    Antonyms:achievement, merit, win
  • Mauvaise décision, embarras, humiliation, impossibilité, impasse, square wheel, exagération du résultat anticipé, réussir malgré nous, accident, désespoit, honte.
  • Perhaps your purpose in life is to serve as warning to others.
  • State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective
    Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function
  • The criteria for failure are heavily dependent on context of use, and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system.
  • 1. Failure to anticipate
    2. Failure to perceive
    3. Failure to carry out a task
  • A commercial failure is a product that does not reach expectations of success.
  • "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way."
  • "Nothing is that predictable"
  • The "law of unintended consequences" (also called the "law of unforeseen consequences") states that any purposeful action will produce some unanticipated or unintended consequences.[2]
  • A white elephant is a valuable possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness.
  • Failure, Murphy's law, white elephant, deadman's switch, fail-safe, commercial failure, cascading failure, unintended consequences. Fate...

Mes idées se résument à 3 concepts:

1er concept / genre: platformer ou RPG / engin: Game Maker, Flash ou RPG maker / faisabilité: facile

  • Jeu ou le joueur ne peut pas perdre. Ou il gagne à échouer (symboles inversés?)
  • Jeu ou le joueur est récompenser quand il échoue.
  • Jeu ou le joueur doit sacrifier ou s'humilier pour gagner.
  • Le joueur est un super héro loser qui essaie en vain de sauver les habitants de la ville.

pré-prototype: drôle, confus, respecte le thème, amusant, risque d'être trop facile si le joueur ne peut pas perdre.

2e concept / genre: action, platform / engin: Flash, Game Maker, Hammer... / faisabilité: difficile

  • Jeu ou on doit causer le plus d'arrêt cardiaques possible. (fantome?)
  • Jeu ou le joueur doit éteindre la lumière. Créer un black out total.
  • Jeu ou le joueur doit envahir un corps humain.

pré-prototype: très fun, original, contrôles compliqué, scripting possiblement complexe, pas vraiment rapport avec le thème "failure".

3e concept / genre: platformer, adventure / engin: Game Maker, Flash, GF... / faisabilité: moyenne

  • Jeu ou on doit tester des inventions cheap. (fail-safe)
  • Jeu ou le joueur est équippé de fail-safe. Ou il est avantageux de failer.
  • Jeu ou le joueur est un siamois.

pré-prototype: drole, intéressant, thème respecté, amusant.

Idées non retenues:

-Jeu ou on doit créer une émeute dans un stade, une réaction en chaine.

-Jeu ou le joueur incarne un dummy (meh, déjà fait)

-Will E Coyote = Fail!

-Jeu de danse ou le pire danseur gagne (ish)

Concept retenu: Un mélange du premier et du troisième concept.

First Draft


Failure of Man (Deadman's Switch ou White Elephant)

High Concept

Un super héro malchanceux essaie en vain de sauver le monde mais échoue à chaque fois. Étrangement, sa blindluck et sa maladresse le sauve plus souvent qu'autrement. Il réussi toujours a s'en sortir mais les résultats sont toujours contraire à ses intentions.


2D Platform adventure


Le joueur ne peut pas vraiment "perdre". Il gagne à échouer (symboles inversés)

Le joueur se retrouve souvent dans de facheuse position et des situations qui semble hors de son contrôle.

Le joueur est un super héro et devrait avoir des super pouvoirs.

Le joueur test les inventions cheap d'un scientifique fou. (supposément fail-safe)

Le joueur devrait pouvoir voler et/ou sauter quand même assez haut.


  • Super pouvoirs ridicules
  • Inventions, gadgets fail-safe (failures: meurt, recoit du dégats, perte d'équilibre, tombe de haut, frappe un mur, ne réussi pas un saut, manque d'air, manque d'energie, danger de mort etc.)
  • Blinluck gauge (chance aveugle du joueur
  • Mini games (rescue, combats, collection)
  • Teleportation
  • Communication audio-visuelle


Le jeu se déroule dans un univers plus ou moins moderne et fictif. Les personnages sont humains et les enemis sont des vilains et des monstres. Bref, loin d'être réaliste.


George, un jeune homme naif dans la vingtaine se prend pour un super héro. Il se confectionne lui-même un costume de super héro et se donne le surnom de "Genius George". Notre pseudo héro se fera approcher par un scientifique qui veut l'aider dans sa démarche pour devenir un super héro. Il lui donne même plusieurs gadgets et équippements qui vont l'aider tout au long de sa quête contre les vilains. Ce que George ignore, c'est qu'il est en fait un cobaye du scientifique et que la plupart de ces inventions n'ont pas encore été testés.

Target Audience

14+ pour violence et humour douteux.

Hardware Platform


Probablement pas le temps de faire une intro de l'histoire. Ca va donc être expliqué en texte et je vais faire un prototype d'un seul niveau et peut-être d'un mini game si j'ai le temps.

Pipeline: Game Maker, GF ou Flash + Photoshop (pour art)


EDIT: J'ai pris beaucoup d'avance. Au fond j'ai fait 2 jours en 1. Ce qui me donne beaucoup de flexibilité et une journée bonus au final.

Mon nouvel horraire:

j1. conception

j1. inspiration et recherche

j2. apprentissage du game engine

j3. expérimentation du game engine

j4. prototypage

j5. prototypage + art work

j6. debug + musique

j7. finalisation et upload

Soit je passe 2 jours pour apprendre l'engin (que je n'ai jamais touché), soit je passe 2 jours a prototyper.

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Hmm... Choisir l'engin idéale s'est avéré être plus dur que je l'aurais imaginé. J'ai fait plusieurs recherches, je voulais trouvé l'engin le plus éfficace et user friendly. J'ai failli acheté une liscence pour 100-200$ (3dStudio, Crytek etc.). Fouillez moi pourquoi. Mais finalement, ca va attendre les gros engins. Pour l'instant, je suis mieux d'utiliser les engins open source 2D. Donc je suis allé avec Game Maker. C'est assez user friendly tant qu'on reste dans le basic. Mais ca se corse rapidement quand on veut faire des trucs plus complexes. Faut beaucoup aller jouer dans les codes et les scripts pour setter le AI. C'est pas super compliqué mais c'est extrêmement long pour pas grand chose au final.

Hier j'ai fait tout les sprites pour les animations du héro et 2 enemis + le background et les tiles et j'ai codé le mouvement du personnage principal. Aujourd'hui je m'attaque au AI (ca risque d'être chiant) et je dois aussi corrigé quelques bugs de collision ainsi que d'autres kossins. Heureusement qu'il y a un grand nombre de tutoriels en ligne!

Mais je réalise petit à petit que mon idée est plus compliqué que je pensais au départ. Notamment du au grand nombre de states du joueur et de gameplay contextuels. Ca veut dire énormément de conditions, de events, de timers et de lignes de codes. Mais je suis bon pour ces trucs la habituellement. Je devrais m'en sortir.

Ca m'étonnerais beaucoup que j'ai tout terminé à temps par contre (il me reste 5 jours :/) mais je vais faire du mieux que je peux. Je me débrouille quand même bien à date; je commence à m'habituer à l'engin.

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