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PlayStation Holiday Button

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PlayStation Canada offre des prix à gagner lorsque l'on clique sur le bouton et on a encore plus chance de gagner le grand prix final à chaque fois que l'on clique à nouveau dessus le fameux bouton!

PlayStation® is giving you the chance to win an epic holiday prize pack along with instant win prizes!

All you have to do is PUSH THE BUTTON.

Seriously, this is the easiest contest ever. It’s just you, pushing the button, for some really sweet prizes.

Every time you push the PlayStation button you’ll earn an entry into the grand prize holiday draw for a PlayStation 3 & PlayStation Vita! Plus, the draw winner will receive 1 PS3 and 1 PS Vita game every month for an entire year!

Pushing the button could also instantly win you a PlayStation® game. There’s over 200 games to be won.

Bonus questions that pop up as you push will give you the chance to win hundreds of extra entries into the grand prize draw!

So, now that you know what to do... PUSH THE BUTTON.


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J'veux dire, qu'est-ce qu'y prouve qu'on peut réellement gagner de quoi.

Tu dois pas être le genre à découper tes boites de céréales à la recherche d'un coupon de tirage.

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L'utilisation d'un script entraîne la disqualification du participant.

Entry must be made by an individual person; use of script, macro, or other automated systems to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification.
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