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Le nouveau Silent Hill

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Pas mal de choses sortent à propos du jeu un peu partout. Sur les forum de Neogaf, une personne qui y a jouer à même donné sa review et c'est plutôt rassurant de voir que c'est un survival-horror à l'ancienne.

Donc, voici un copier-coller.

Alright, so before I start I should mention this is based off of one playthrough. I reached the end of the game and got an ending, but I wouldn't say I've completed the game yet, at least I have the urge to play more. I still have 10 (out of 14) sidequests to complete, there's other endings, a lot of the town I still haven't explored, and I always think it's fun to go through a Silent Hill game a second time to really understand what some scenes meant you didn't the first time around.

I'm going to start with the negative. The combat is clunky and more frustrating than it should be. If you're ever facing more than one enemy at a time, they all can gang up on you and get in a long of cheap hits. You can only hold one melee item and one firearm at a time, and it's not uncommon if you decide to take the offense against a group for your weapon to break at the worst possible time. This might be a plus for some people, but the combat is about as clunky as the old Silent Hill games. Now combat obviously isn't the most important part in Silent Hill, but for a modern age game this does stand out as a bit weird and almost like a refusal to evolve. Now I don't want Call of Silent Hill (though that name probably fits more than it should), but I believe it's possible to have a combat system in a horror game that helps make the game terrifying but not terribly controlled. You also can only carry one melee weapon and one firearm at any given time, but I thought the game made good use of this.

That kind of leads right into the enemies. There is a rather small number of monsters in the game. Some of them are pretty creative, but there's only about five kinds of monsters in the game, and then alterations of those five kinds. An example of alterations, there's this one monster who initially is stuck to walls and is kind of more like a hazard than an enemy. It reminded me of those wall enemies from Silent Hill 4. However, later in the game those monsters get wheels and can start chasing you... Which is more terrifying than it probably sounds, I'll admit. Still, the small number is a bit disappointing, and what others might be even more disappointed by is the style of these monsters. Every single enemy looks like some form of mutilated or deformed human. They all have luckily varied AI and combat styles, but I think it would of been nice to face some enemies that weren't Anthropomorphic.

The graphics are just alright. They look better than people might think due to some of the trailers and screens, but it isn't anything amazing either but passable. The game in large areas occasionally experiences some slowdown, but it's nothing too series. I actually liked the game's soundtrack a lot, but it is different and I know how much some people hate change. Voice Acting was a mixed bag, but a lot of the acting sounded pretty dead-beat.

Now to an important part, the game's story. The game opens up to Murphy going into the shower rooms. It's obvious from the get-go that something is wrong as a prison guard encourages Murphy to 'not change his mind' and tells him 'he left a present for him on the bench', and to 'turn on the showers since it gets so foggy the cameras can't see anything down there'. Murphy finds a knife pipe, and after a bit a fatter blonde dude in a towel wakes walks in, who is apparently a sequestrate prisoner and some big political figure. Murphy asks the man if he recognizes him, and shortly after the man doesn't, reveals that they used to be neighbors. The man gets a panicked look on his face and runs for it as Murphy commences to beat the shit out of him. Before the killing blow, the man asks why, in which Murphy replies, 'You know exactly why,' and kills him. Murphy seems to be plagued by nightmares of this scene as he jolts awake from re-experiencing it, now transferring prisons. Of course the bus gets in an accident and before you know it, Murphy is making his way into the town of Silent Hill.

This opening scenes feel very different from Silent Hill, but I don't think this is a bad thing. It helps settle Murphy in more as a character, which is important. Even though Murphy has done some things and isn't the best person around (sort of a naturally suspicious person and sometimes a bit of a lone wolf and an ass), he's surprisingly likable. The story is surprisingly engaging and well-written. It's got a bit more of a cinematic flair to it than the other games, but it's very interesting and I found myself pretty engaged the whole way through. There are a few things towards the end of the game that might split some people, but I think it's evident that the studio know how to tell a good story.

One thing about the story I was surprised to see is this game's connection to other entries in the series. This game actually has a lot more of it than I was expecting, but that's not a bad thing. In the first thirty minutes or so in the game, you turn on a jukebox which commences to play the Silent Hill 1 theme. Little touches like this, along with a lot of other things, are sure to be nice throwbacks to long-term fans and how the game handles them is quite interesting and had this game surprisingly gill me with nostalgia from time to time. That's one thing this game does very well, secrets and easter eggs. There's a lot of them hidden around to discover.

Which leads me to what I believe is the single greatest thing about this game: Exploration. This game has a lot of it, especially once you get past the first couple of hours, and it's fantastically done. There is a lot to explore, a lot to discover, some fun side quests (even if a lot of them are fetch quest they often are quite rewarding), and generally a great feel to the atmosphere. This game also has oodles of that, atmosphere. But the atmosphere is vividly different to past Silent Hill games. The environments are detailed and interesting, and the surrealism of everything reminds me heavily of the earlier games where things in Silent Hill worked in some strange form of dream logic.

The game has some good scares, but I personally didn't find it all that scary. I should mention with this though I've never found Silent Hill terribly scary outside of a few moments, but immensely interesting and engaging.

The game hosts some fantastic puzzles. There is a puzzle difficulty selection along with a combat selection at the beginning of the game, and though I did both on normal I did enjoy the puzzles and there was a good number of them as well. Some of them are quite creative and fun, and for those that feel like they've been missing from games they'll be happy to hear they are quite prevalent in this game.

That's one thing I can say about this game. This is the first horror game in a long time I can say feels like an old-school horror game in the modern age of gaming. It has a lot of old-school horror gaming conventions, clunky combat, exploration and back-tracking, puzzles, hell, it sometimes even has old-school horror camera angles, which all make it feel like the first real old-school horror game that's come out this console generation. If you're looking for a modern old-school horror game with some new conventions with the old, this is a game you should definitely check out.

Aussi, une vidéo montrant les toutes premières minutes du jeu qui sont assez tendues et la scène où le bus quitte la prison, la musique qui monte en puissance avec en prime la voix de Mary Elizabeth McGlynn en bruit de fond est juste... :blink::wub:

Bref, bien hâte de l'avoir mardi parce que contrairement à Origins et Homecoming, Downpour semble vraiment avoir du potentiel.

Modifié par The Eternal
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J'ai pré-commandé ma copie et j’attends mardi avec impatience pour pouvoir y jouer (confortablement sur mon nouveau sofa en plus)!

Donne-nous ta review quand tu y auras joué ! IGN le cote 4.5 et Gamespot 7.5.

Je suis curieuse d'avoir d'autres avis! Je vais aussi regarder sur d'autres sites de review, bien sûr. :loupe:

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Bon, j'ai pus l'essayer un bon 3h et à date, j'aime beaucoup.

L'ambiance est superbe, pour le peu que j'ai entendu de la soundtrack, ça sonne Silent Hill. Les graphiques bien que pas toujours top shape sont très acceptables, on a souvent droit à de beaux effets. J'ai encore un peu de difficulté avec les combats, j'ai de la misère à me bloquer et réussir à vraiment éviter les coups. Je n'ai rencontré que 3 ennemis pour l'instant et à date j'suis un peu déçu de leur manque d'originalité.

Je n'ai toujours pas trouver d'endroit pour sauvegarder, j'imagine que je ne me suis pas aventuré assez loin dans Silent Hill (je viens d'y arriver).

Ah et fun fact, le jeu à réussis à me foutre la chienne quelques fois.

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Quelle version as-tu?

J'ai lu sur plusieurs forums que les versions 360 et PS3 ont de gros problèmes techniques de frame rate en plus des glitchs et que ça freeze souvant 3 secondes pendant les loadings et auto-saves.

Certains disent que c'est moins pire sur 360, d'autre disent le contraire avec la PS3. Bref, c'est vraiment pas évidant faire un choix.

Modifié par The Eternal
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Pour ceux qui l'avez acheté, avez vous beaucoup de bugs?

J'en ai eu quelques uns et des frustrants, ça va du loading trop lent qui m'font crever lorsque j'me fait poursuivre par je ne sais trop quoi dans le darkworld à mon arme qui ne veut pas tirer parce que je l'ai changer trop vite de weapons. Sinon j'ai souvent l'impression que la musique ne load pas...

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Je viens juste d'arriver à Silent Hill et à date des problèmes de framerate pas mal où se trouve les chambres à louer derrière le dinner et des freezes de 3 secondes quand ça save/load à certains endroits.

Leurs systemes de save/load est crissement mal fait et c'est l'enfer quant tu te fais poursuivre par des monstres.

Pas étonnant que la pub pour le jeu soit quasi-inexistante.

Modifié par The Eternal
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Depuis quelques temps, j'avais en tête de m'acheter le boitier de collection qui réunit Silent Hill 2 et 3 en HD mais en parcourant plusieurs news et forums j'ai finalement découvert que Konami a encore fait une job de marde.

Même Masahiro Ito qui était le directeur artistique des vieux Silent Hill trouve que c'est à chier en plus.

Finalement je compte bien en rester avec mes vieilles copies.

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Un petit compte rendu.

Je n'ai pas beaucoup avancé mais pour ce que j'ai fais je peux dire le jeu fait son effet.

Bien entendu c'est loin d'atteindre la qualité suprême des opus de Team Silent mais déjà ça fait un bien fou d'avoir un véritable survival horror à l'ancienne en plus d'être très atmosphérique et à la place de tenter de copier platement Team Silent comme le très moyen Origins et le très plate Homecoming, Downpour a sa propre identitée.

En tk même si il n'atteint pas les sommets de terreur des premier opus, Downpour réussit quand mème à faire peur. Les cavernes et mines de Silent Hill font crissement leurs effet, (surtout quand t'est clostrauphobe) tout comme les sous-sols de vieilles maison abandonnées. Bref, c'est à jouer avec des écouteurs pour une plus grande immersion sonore.

Alors oui les combats sont à chier mais ça c'est rien de nouveau étant donné que ce l'était pas mal dans les anciens opus de Team Silent. L'autre défaut est que le look des monstres est vraiment à chier et manque d'inspiration (à part les Dolls qui m'ont bien fait freaker) sans parler des nombreux bugs freezes et problèmes de framerate quelques fois mais le reste est excellent.

Et niveau musical encore une fois je trouve l'ajout de Korn (même si on m'a dit que leur tune jouait pendant le générique de fin) complètement hors-sujet alors que plusieurs tunes provenant d'autres groupes et chanteurs/chanteuses intégrés dans Downpour qui passent dans les radios éparpillés un peu partout collent bien plus à l'ambiance du jeu.

De ce que j'ai reconnu, dans les cavernes, il y avait celle-ci.

Et juste avant d'entrer à Silent Hill.

Modifié par The Eternal
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