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Fusillade mortelle à la première de Batman

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Il y avait eu un cas similaire par le passé, en 2009. Le psychiatre à la fin de la vidéo résume parfaitement ce qu'il ne faut pas faire quand ça l'arrive parce que justement ça génère plus de tueurs en série de bas âge qu'autre chose. C'est extrêmement pertinent. À visionner au complet.

Le scénario se répète sans cesse ...

Ouais mais les "recommandation" du gars sont juste inapplicable. Tu peux pas dire "ouin, ben ya plein de monde qui viennent de mourir dans un incident attroce, tout le monde est intéressé de savoir ce qui s'est passé mais on en parlera pas.

L'humain est curieux, on est tous curieux. Si tu sais que la photo d'un tueur fou est de l'autre côté d'un lien internet et que t'a juste à cliquer pour la voir et apprendre tous les éléments de l'incident, on va tous cliquer par curiosité, même si on souhaiterait que les autres le fasse pas.

On peut blâmer les média d'en faire un peu trop et faire une couverture 24h ridicule. Mais même à ça, ce genre d'évènement va toujours être une nouvelle "majeure" on pourra jamais rien faire.

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Si seulement on était conscients de la curiosité morbide mutante qui nous anime chaque jour, man.

Néanmoins, les informations ne peuvent pas se cibler sur un seul fait divers pendant plus de 24h sans qu'il ne s'agisse pour moi d'un comportement anti-journalistique. A partir du moment où on sait:

- qu'il a été arrêté

- quelles sont ses revendications

On peut passer à autre chose.

L'information n'a pas pour but de gérer émotionnellement la perte des gens, l'actualité ne se mets pas sur stop pour qu'on fasse un deuil national. That is our cold reality.

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Okay, sa c'est juste fucking weird.

C'est dégeulace, mais en même temps je peux pas m'empêché de me dire que dans tout sa un vrai Batman va sortir.

Toute fit, y'a surement un kid ou un personne qui à perdu ses proches dans un meutre dans un cinema, c'est juste que Bruce Wayne c'était dans la ruel à coté.

Veux veux pas y'a quelqu'un qui va développer un genre de trauma vraiment fucké et va se prendre pour Batman.

J'espère qu'il est millionnaire car sinon watch out les cartes de crédits loadés

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Pleins de commentaires SAVOUREUX de la part des "Christians" sur le WEB, je me délecte! :suicide:

"Ever since "they" took God our of our everyday life, life has gone to hell. Yesterday's shooting at a Batman movie only illustrates how much "they" can bring down society. The only reason "they" have power is because WE refuse to to speak out about how IMPORTANT GOD IS TO US, THE MAJORITY! Over and over and over again, media shows us in polls that the majority of people in this country BELIEVE IN GOD, A HIGHER POWER. Why do we continue to let the minority of non believers keep God out of our daily lives?"

"If you are a Christian, you can also tell Warner Brothers that you are disgusted with the blasphemy that was included in these films and for the tolerance to inappropriate sexual behavior that was briefly included in this trilogy. Tell them that you will not pay one penny to a movie that helps to poison society."

"The new Batman movie - a movie that takes Jesus' name blasphemously. Oh, but wait, if it's "entertaining enough", it's worth paying money to watch, right? "Christians" that pay money to watch a movie that blasphemes their Lord's name. What a disgrace."

"I personally think they need to stop making such dark Batman movies. It's seriously affecting people. In a bad way. Heath Ledger died of overdose and now there's multiple shootings from copycat criminals. Wake up and realize superheros are fictional. Sorry. The only true super hero there is, is Jesus. He already came."


"Keep pushing God out of society, and we're only going to see more and more events like the one in Aurora."

"First it was Columbine High School killings, then next came Virginia Tech killings, and now Aurora. These senseless killings were perpetrated by relatively young people. Remember what happened in schools where these young people are taught? Because of a woman named Madeline O’Hare who petitioned the ACLU to remove all references to God from public schools. This was done and it left a big void in the education of all the children. You know that nature abhors a vacuum, and in this case, I believe that the Devil was happy to fill that vacuum. And the result is the senseless killings when the killers do not have the love of God in their heart. Please pray for the victims and their families of this latest tragedy. Sometimes I wonder how the ones responsible for the removing of the references to God from the schools can sleep at night."

"Wow. I am amazed at the cruelty and inhumanity of people today. I used to live in Aurora. It's a beautiful place filled with wonderful people. Such a horrible tragedy. This is what happens when you take God out of schools and made it illegal to spank our kids! They grow up with lack of morals and ethics."

"It was bound to happen and it will happen again. My heart goes out to the victims of Aurora, Co. I've been to the BMW dealer there. I've stayed at the TA truckstop in Commerce City several times. We may never know the exact cause for the young man snapping but there are several contributing factors. We have created in this country an environment where as these type behavoirs will flourish. The environment is one of secular humanism. An environment where people don't respect God, family or country. Children are told at an early age that they don't come from a Creator. They evolved from monkeys that don't have a soul, and there is no afterlife. They are not their brother's keeper. They should "eat , drink, and be merry", for tomorrow you will die. We are in an environment where saying the The Pledge and having prayer teeters on being illegal. Guns are not the problem. In 4H in some schools guns were bought to school for target practice. I bet if some one had a conceal permit and weapon, the body count would not be as high. I'm a Christian but all religions teach peace. Secular humanism teaches YOU are God, "do what they will is the whole of the law". I'm not sure if this guy was evil or insane, but if he accepted the Gospel this would not have happened."

"This is just madness, some psycho comes into a movie theater and starts randomly shooting people. The problem with this country is it has gone away from the God of the Bible, and this sicko probably went to a government school where they teach that their is no God and we came from monkeys. According to them, we evolved from animals and you wonder why we have crazies like this guy, going around and killing people for no reason. There is no hope in most of Americans who are indoctrinated into these government schools; they think that they came from animals and their is no God. This is why this country is so wicked because we have a Godless society."

"Call me overly simplistic if you want, but there is a clear reason for the Aurora shooting, just like the mass murders that have preceded it. America has lost her connection to God. When you take God and the Bible out of the schools - where children spend most of their day - and you remove the Judao-Christian system of moral values, what do we think is going to happen? A nation that allows a million or more abortions a year has no respect for life. I grew up in a community where faith in God and the truth of the Bible was the norm, and we never saw all these senseless killings the way we do now. Our young people especially, if they are not genuine Christians, have no moral compass...their idea is to decide for yourself what is right. The only hope for America is to turn back to God, to the Bible, to churches proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to families that choose to serve the Lord!"

"According to the Aurora, CO police chief, 71 innocent people were shot at the theater early today and 12 of them have died. We have had a long line of horrific mass shootings in this country over the past 25 years, and this has got to be one of the worst. And it's getting clearer that it can happen anywhere, even in small towns (like Chardon Ohio). Evil, violent people are on the increase among us and no one knows when they will erupt. I've said for years that this kind of thing will only happen more frequently until this nation turns back to God. We have thrown God out of the schools and public arena, and taught kids that they are nothing more than evolved slimy algae; we have devalued human life by legalizing abortion, have glorified disobedience to almost all of God's commands, and taught a generation that there are no moral absolutes. And yet most people wonder why such crimes are occurring."

"Taking prayer out of the public schools in the 1960's caused things like this. Prayer gives you a moral character."

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Ça aurait été plus souhaitable qu'il s'engage dans l'armée ou qu'il devienne boucher s'il voulait assouvir son désir de sang.



Regarder un blockbuster hollywoodien plein de BOOOOOMMMM pis de TATATATATATTATATA et des dialogues écrits pour des ados de 13 ans le nez collé sur un écran IMAX c’est le SUMMUM de ta minable vie! Ya rien qui égale ça! RIEN!! Pogne toi un billet pis fais la file!

Moi j'aime les films pas toi 22 JUIL 2012 21:15

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i feel like this is a conspiracy, done by the government, using mind control or something, hey you never know, bet they have technology waaaaay beyong what any of us could imagine. all done to regulate guns even more, to bring about the nwo, becuase a disarmed america would make it easy for the government to go to war with its citizens

Câlisse que ça fait pitié c'qu'on retrouve comme commentaire sur Youtube.

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