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Recherche roman sur Montréal

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Je suis à la recherche d'un roman historique où l'action se déroule principalement à Montréal.

(par roman historique je veux dire un roman soit écrit AVANT 1960, ou que l'action se passe AVANT 1960)

Pour l'instant j'ai pu trouver Bonheur d'Occasion, de Gabrielle Roy, mais je suis persuadé qu'il y en a d'autres.

Ne vous gênez pas pour faire vos recommandations, même si le roman c'est un livre cucu pour matante !

Je cherche particulièrement durant la période 1850 à 1950 (en fait de la Confédération à la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale).

En vous remerciant d'avance !

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Le goût du bonheur par Marie Laberge ( Gabrielle, Adélaide, Florent)

Les soeurs Deblois ( Charlotte, Émilie, Anne et le demi-frère) de Louise Tremblay- D'essiambre

Charles le téméraire par Yves Beauchemin

Maria Chapdelaine - Louis Hémon

Je pense cependant que c'est trop récent pour ce que tu cherches.

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The book featured a frequent Richler theme: Jewish life in the 1930s and 40s in the neighbourhood of Montreal east of Mount Royal Park on and about St. Urbain Street and the Main (Boul. St-Laurent). Richler wrote poignantly of the neighbourhood and its people, chronicling the hardships and disabilities they faced as a Jewish minority.

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Bernhard vient de me faire penser: The Favourite Game, de Leonard Cohen.

"The dancers were Catholics, French-Canadian, anti-Semitic, anti-Anglais, belligerent. They told the Priest everything, they were scared by the Church, they knelt in wax-smelling musty shrines hung with abandoned dirty crutches and braces. Everyone of them worked for a Jewish manufacturer whom he haited and waited for revenge. They had bad teeth because they lived on Pepsi-Cola and Mae West chocolate cakes. The girls were either maids or factory help. Their dresses were too bright and you could see bra straps through the flimsy material. Frizzy hair and cheap perfume. They screwed like jack rabbits and at confession the priest forgave them. They were the mob. Give them a chance and they’d burn down a synagoge. Pepsies. Frogs. Fransoyzen."

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