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Traits physiques d'une personne vs sa personnalité

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Y'a pas de technique à appliquer, la science qui se cacherait derrière ça serait très compliqué mais croire que le physique ne joue aucun rôle sur la personnalité c'est être incroyablement naïf.

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Y'a pas de technique à appliquer, la science qui se cacherait derrière ça serait très compliqué mais croire que le physique ne joue aucun rôle sur la personnalité c'est être incroyablement naïf.

C'est toi qui est incroyablement naif. Si on suit ton raisonnement, les plus belles personnes auraient les meilleures personnalités ou aurait des personnalités très similaires, chose qui peut facilement être démenti en comparant deux personnes aux traits similaires. Deux personnes identiques ou presque auront des personnalité différentes car elles auront vécu différemment, dans une autre classe, un autre environnement, avec un autre entourage. C'est pas mal plus le parcours et l'évolution d'une personne qui affectent la personnalité, et non les traits de son visage.

Je comprend quand même ce que tu veux dire (que le jugement des autres basé sur ton apparance peut jouer un rôle sur la perception que tu as de toi même et des autres et etc. blablabla et donc forcément sur ton attitude), mais c'est assez risible comme théorie. Ya juste pas de corrélation, les gens croient juste ce qu'ils veulent croire.

C'est un mythe stupide de grand mère comme la "bosse des maths" et "les yeux qui sont la fenêtre de l'âme". Come on, ya tout plein de filles qui ont la bosse sur le nez mais qui sont archi nulles en mathématique. Et c'est pas parce que quelqu'un a des beaux yeux qu'il a forcément une belle âme. La plupart des douchebags ont des beaux yeux.

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Ouais, les p'tits gros sont morose, sérieux, méchant et ils sont souvent les masterminds. Les grands maigres sont des abrutis maladroit sans cervelles. Ca été prouvé dans Home Alone.

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C'est à ce moment là qu'on aurait besoin d'un retour de Wavebird-Séraphita pour donner quelques leçons de psycho-morphologie.

Pesmerga. Ne soit pas naif. Ta bonhommie et ton humour légendaire sont fortement liés à ta stature.

Penses à Danny DeVito.

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Quelqu'un qui a beaucoup de tissus adipeux risque d'avoir un haut niveau d'œstrogène ce qui risque de le rendre plus émotif et d'être moins performant au lit, donc ses pulsions sexuelles sont sublimés par autre chose (humour ?) Gemini évoquait l'exemple de Danny DeVito. Celui-ci est doté d'un physique ingrat, donc pour séduire il doit utiliser autre chose que son sex-appeal. L'humour est souvent la porte de salut pour séduire les femelles qui habituellement n'ont qu'en tête la recherche du mâle alpha ayant un instinct protecteur surhumain.

L’obésité est un important facteur de risque car il existe dans la graisse des enzymes qui transforment des hormones en œstrogènes (aromatase).
L’excès d’oestrogènes peut amener des émotions confuses et intenses.
Certains œstrogènes sont également produits en petites quantités par d'autres tissus tels le foie, la surrénale, les seins et le tissu adipeux.

On pourrait dire la même chose des végétariens qui consomment baucoup de tofu (soja) que pour ceux qui ont beaucoup de tissus adipeux .

La protéine de soja à, selon la recherche, une fâcheuse tendance à faire augmenter la production d'oestrogènes par le corps, et donc, de faire baisser le taux de testostérone. Pour être précis, disons que certains flavones (les équivalents de l'hormone chez les plantes) ressemblent très fort à l'oestrogène humain et le corps ne fait pas la différence entre les deux. SI vous favorisez les oestrogènes, vous réduisez l'influence de la testostérone sur le corps.

Sans acides gras, votre sécrétion hormonale restera faible, tant pour la testostérone que pour d'autres hormones anabolisantes.

Quelqu'un qui a une masse musculaire importante a un haut niveau de testostérone ce qui le rend fringant, infidèle et chauve.

Les personnes stressés blablabla

Les personnes qui dorment peu blablabla

La consommation excessive d’alcool agit aussi en augmentant le niveau d’œstrogènes par activation de cet enzyme.

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L'effet est faible, mais il est tout de même non négligeable.

Les isoflavones sont des substances chimiques naturelles provenant des plantes. Une fois ingérées, elles agissent dans l'organisme un peu à la manière des hormones naturelles que sont les oestrogènes. Voilà pourquoi on les nomme phytoestrogènes. Leur effet est cependant beaucoup plus faible que celui des oestrogènes naturellement produits par le corps ou synthétiques (hormonothérapie).

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Quand ca dit clairement que leur effet est beaucoup plus faible...

Faut que t'en mange en quantité industrielle pour que ça change réellement quelque chose, on s'entend.

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Deux personnes identiques ou presque auront des personnalité différentes car elles auront vécu différemment, dans une autre classe, un autre environnement, avec un autre entourage. C'est pas mal plus le parcours et l'évolution d'une personne qui affectent la personnalité, et non les traits de son visage..

T'as des cours d'anthropologie et de biologie à reprendre, je crois. Il serait temps que vous acceptiez le rôle de la génétique.

Identical Twins: The Similarities and Differences

Jayme M. Becker

English 112



Identical twins are known as twins that look considerably alike. Many identical twins have similar lives along with looks, mannerisms and other things. This paper is about the identical twin sets that were separated at birth and ended up getting to know that they had a twin when they were much older. Many studies showed that the twins' lives were very much alike. They had the same things happen in the same year and have a spouse with the same name. As the paper will show the amazing differences also, along with the bizarre similarities.

Identical Twins: The Amazing Similarities and Differences

"Jim had known since he was six that he was an identical twin. He had been separated from his brother when he was only a few weeks old, after they had been adopted into different families. Jim desperately wanted to find his long-lost brother."

(Watson. p. 9)

It turns out that the set of twins, that were both named Jim, were born prematurely on August 19, 1939 at Memorial Hospital in Pigua, Ohio. Immediately upon birth, the twins were put up for adoption, separately. Ernest and Sarah Springer adopted one of the twin boys and named him James. Two weeks later, Jess and Lucille Lewis adopted the second twin and named him James also. Neither of the adopting parents knew one another. That's not all of the bizarre coincidences that fill both of the "Jim's" lives. These are some examples of what went on in each of their lives before reuniting (Watson).

--Both had married a girl called Linda, divorced her, then remarried to a woman named Betty.

--Both named their first born son James Allen.

--Both had owned a male dog and named it Toy at in one point in their lives.

--Both men worked at McDonald's; both worked part-time as Deputy-Sheriff; and both had once been attendants in filling stations.

--Both spent their holidays at the same beach near St. Petersburg in Florida; and both drove there and back in the same type of car, a Chevrolet. (Watson p. 10-11).

These strange coincidences go on and on. The lives that the two men lead are incredibly similar. These twins are not the only case of this nature. There are hundreds of thousands of twins that have the same occurrences that take place in both of their everyday lives. For instance, there is a set of elderly twins that didn't meet until they were in their early forties. When they did actually meet, they were both wearing a beige dress and a brown velvet jacket. As they reminisced and caught up on all of the years that they lost, they found out some bizarre coincidences of their own. They both fell down the stairs at age fifteen and broke their ankles. That's not all, here are the most bizarre circumstances of these particular set of twins.

--Both met their future husbands at a town hall dance when they were sixteen.

--Both suffered miscarriages with their first pregnancies.

--Both had two boys followed by a girl.

--Both drink their coffee black and cold with no sugar.

--Both laugh more than anyone else that they know.

--Both were married in the early twenties in big autumn weddings with all of the

trimmings, including a choir (Niemark).

The coincidences in these cases are endless. Such coincidences ranging from identical facial expressions, nervous twitches, and likes and dislikes. Everything that was a direct impact on their lives happened to both of them. One has a tendency to think, "Can this actually be true?" It seems a little far fetched, but the purpose of this paper is to prove that genetics and psychology play an important part in these "coincidental" happenings between identical twins. "What do these coincidences have to do with how they are raised?" Hopefully this paper will answer some unanswered questions (Bower p. 349).

The study of twins has been going on for many years. Charles Darwin was the first to start the intensive study of twins. Darwin was the first researcher to actually start the study of twins. Sir Francis Galton actually began publishing his studies of twins in 1875. He discovered the connection between a mother's age and the chances of her having twins. Galton later made a guess stating that "look alike" twins came form one egg, and "Look unalike" [sic] twins came from two different eggs. Galton couldn't have been more right. The study of twins was hampered by the inability to test properly whether twins were MZ or DZ. MZ twins are Monozygotic which came from the Greek meaning "one egg." (See Appendix B) It is also referred to as identical twins having come from one egg. DZ twins are Dizygotic which was derived from the Greek meaning "two eggs", referred to as fraternal twins. However, back in 1875, Galton proved that it was common for MZ twins to be classified as fraternal at birth, and to proceed to show more alike as they got older. DZ twins were classed as indenticals at birth that grew steadily less alike as they got older, but according to facts that are known now, it is not relevant. Actually, the entire theory is reversed. MZ twins are formed from one egg and are called identical twins, and DZ twins are forms by two totally different eggs and are fraternal twins. Over the past 100 years, the development in twins studies has become increasingly more accurate and extensive. For instance, here is a time line of the past years of twins studies (Watson p.73). (See Appendix A)

As the time line shows, the study of twins has been going on since the late 1800's. The development took a while to actually show anything that was of value. As far as what happened after 1974 and on is undocumented, but it has increased and has become interesting and developing more. What makes an identical twin identical? There are many characteristics that can be shared between identical twins. Identical twins can have the same stature, eye color, chemical balance, blood make-up, heart rate, brain wave pattern and the same digestive tract. Tests show that identical twins are often apt to have the same IQ. Identical twins also tend to have identical personalities. Those that are raised apart usually have the same interest in jobs and future spouses. Identical twins are known to stay in touch with each other more than fraternal twins. Especially woman as adults. In fact, identical twins end up being closer to their twin than anyone else. One twin said that she would be more upset if her twin died rather than her mother. Many female twins mentioned that they would like to live as neighbors after marriage. Many twins end up being neighbors or at least living in the same town and even starting businesses together.

There can also be differences between identical twins; IQ's for example. There has been two known cases, that a set of identical twins had twenty points between their IQ's. For instance, one twin had an IQ of 116 and the other had an IQ of 92. Mutual contact between sets of twins counts for about 20-25 percent of the variance in the scores (Farber). IQ's are not the only thing though, there are many amazing differences. To study these differences, sixteen pairs of twins were analyzed and recorded. Two pairs out of the sixteen had a fear of heights, but the other didn't. All sixteen pairs had at least one phobia or fear that they didn't share. Different sets of twins had different phobias, ranging from bed wedding to the fright of snakes. In all cases though, one twin of the sets had a different phobia than the other (Farber).

The bond that identical twins share, has nothing to do with the differences between them. They are considered "one" from the very beginning of conception. Especially Siamese twins, which are connected by a body part or never actually end up forming. For instance, there was a pair of Siamese twins that never formed into two. There were two head's, but they had one body. They had two hearts and spinal cords but they shared a stomach and a small intestine, and only had one pair of legs. They are still alive and are doing well, together (Wallis). It is still a mystery as to what happens or doesn't happen to make Siamese twins not form into regular MZ twins.

Personality traits and appearance are another factor that plays an important part in the similarities between identical twins. As far as height between twins that were reared apart, they vary but are surprisingly close. In thirty-nine sets of twins that were tested, all of them, both male and female, were no more than .81 inches apart (Farber). Weight wasn't too far off either. In the testing of thirty-seven pairs of twins, they averaged a difference of 10.5 pounds between the two in a pair that were raised apart. Physical appearance is an obvious factor that makes MZ twins identical. Different things ranging from the pigmentation of the skin, to the distribution of each others freckles. The similarities are amazing. Some things are as minute as the measurements of the head and length. Out of seventeen studies done, the main differences between the twins were .11 of an inch in difference for both length and width (Watson). Vision is even identical measuring right down to the depth of the anterior chamber to the thickness of the lens, are both virtually identical. Even the dental examinations concluded that twins even have the same location and number of cavities. The sets of twins that were being tested had different living environments and perhaps even different diets and dental hygiene. Everything about an identical twin is either exactly mirror imaged. Hundreds of thousands of pairs of twins were poked prodded and examined to find out these incredible identicals.

Not only do identical twins look alike, but act alike, and even though some are separated at birth, as mentioned earlier, they lead similar lives. They are amazingly similar in every way possible. In every research book that is used in this paper, the same weird cases are mentioned. Here are some cases that are found to be weird and may seem coincidental, but don't let them fool you. They are real-life cases, that actually took place, and there isn't anything "coincidental" about any of them.

There is a story that tells about a pair of twins that were separated seven days after birth and had different learning and living environments. Both had Schizophrenia, which led them both to committing suicide. Both of their lives were filled with chronic schizophrenia and depression. They each had a premorbid personality. Twin A was known as asociable [sic], nervous, obsessive, mysophobic, and introverted more than B. Twin B was also asociable, nervous, introverted, and more obsessive than A. As the statistics show, they shared the same symptoms and had everything that led to their schizophrenia. They both suffered from a lot of things but for the most part they had the same lifestyle. According to Irving Gottesman M.D., of the University of Virginia, schizophrenia is known to occur more often in identical twins (Neimark).

Here is a story of twins that has a happy ending. The amazing story of Terry Connolly and her identical twin Margaret Richardson. Margaret and Terry were born on St. Valentine's Day in 1943. Margaret was adopted when she was only six weeks old. As for Terry, a family finally came for her when she was eight months old. Neither twin knew about the other until 1978 when Margaret's father told her that she was adopted and had an identical twin out there somewhere. Terry was adopted into a family with the last name of Quick. Margaret then began researching and looking for her long lost sister. They also shared many similarities throughout their separate lives.

-- Both were married on the same day and about the same time.

-- Both like the same food: red peppers and courgettes.

-- Both had wanted and planned to have four children each. Both of their children were conceived at about the same time.

Margaret had four kids and Terry had four

also, and all of them are approximently the same age (Watson).

Margaret's Kids Terry's Kids

Luke 11.5 Beth 11

Ruth 9 Tim 10

Ben 4 Matt 5

Jim 3 Meg 3

-- Both were chlostrophobic in Minneapolis.

-- Both use the same perfume: Boots No. 7 (Watson).

There are many similarities that are incredible and hard to believe. Their lives are so close, but yet so far away in distance. There is one more example of a pair of twins that were raised apart but lead the same lives.

This story surpasses all of the stories told and researched. This story is about identical twins raised apart; one raised as a Nazi and the other raised as a Jew. The twins were born Trinidad in 1933, which was on the southern tip of the Caribbean. They were separated when they were approximently six months old. The mother and father of the twins had problems and agreed that they each would take one. The mother took and raised Oskar and took him and his older sister to Europe. The father

raised Jack as a Jew, and stayed in Trinidad. As they grew older they were aware that they were twins, but they never met or wrote to each other. The two boys were very different, Oskar was a member of the Hitler Youth and Jack, being a Jew, worked in two kibbutzim in Israel. Both of the boys had two totally different lives from the very beginning. Oskar was trained and subject to the deaths of Jews. Jack, his twin brother, was practicing to be a jew and had the beliefs of a Jew but never had a Bar Mitzvah. Jack in his later years went to Israel to see what it was like, and to see how it was to be a true Israeli. He served in the Israeli Army for two years and became a successful businessman in California. On the way he stopped to meet his brother, Oskar. It wasn't a complete success. Coming from separate countries, and having never met, the brothers needed a translator to communicate properly. Oskar on the other hand, has two sons that were raised as Catholics. He works in industry and is happy. Both of them decided through letters and cards, that they would be a part of the Minnesota study of twins that were raised apart. Jack was the one that actually initiated the idea and put it into play. Upon meeting, they recognized each other immediately. For one, both were wearing the exact same glasses, same style, color, and perhaps prescription. They were both wearing similar shirts, that were only a shade in color difference. The twins had short, nicely clipped mustaches, and their hair started receding in corresponding places. This was only the beginning of the similarities. Both had a habit of falling asleep in front of the television. They both read magazines from back to front, and both dip their buttered toast into their coffee. Although their lives turned out to be pretty different, they had similar things happen to them. One of them was an alcoholic at one point in their life, and the other was fond of alcohol, however it affected a disorder that ruled his life, negatively. Both twins have explosive anger and 'recurrent anxiety' There is an extraordinary similarity in their behavior, manners, habits and personalities. This particular story is amazing for the reason that they were so different in the way that they were raised, but still act as though they were raised together (Watson).

In conclusion, there is an amazing effort put forth to research the lives and morals of MZ twins that were separated at birth. The same stories were mentioned throughout the research books to make this paper. Hopefully, there will be more sets of twins out there that will give up their deepest secrets and share with the world as to what actually goes on at the point of conception. When only one egg and one sperm form identical twins, the twins often lead similar lives. The amazing similarities and differences of identical twins have been proven to be a large subject throughout its years of development, yet there is still much more to research.


Begley, Sharon. (1997, August 11) Wombs With a View. Newsweek , p. 61.

Bowden, Liz. (1979). Mysterious doubles: the story of twins. New York:

Contemporary Perspectives, Inc.

Bower, B. (1997, June 7 ). Elderly intellect may owe a lot to genes. Science News,

p. 349.

Farber, S. (1981). Identical Twins Reared Apart. USA: Basic Books, Inc.

Netscape:Twins are Everywhere. [Online]

Download April 6, 1998.

Netscape: Twins Facts. [Online] http://

Download April 6, 1998.

Neimark, Jill. (1997, August ). Natures Clones. Psychology Today, pp. 39-45.

Tresniowski, Alex. ( 1997, December 8 ). Coming Up Roses. People, p.55-61.

Wallis, C. (1996, March 25). The Most Intimate Bond. Life. p. 60-64.

Watson, Peter. (1981). Twins: an uncanny relationship? New York: The Viking Press.

Identical Twins


Appendix A

1877 -- The idea of maternal twinning and height rate were linked between twins was made by M. Tchouriloff. Back then height was known to be an inherited characteristic. This was the first attempt to link twinning to a heredity.

1898 -- It was confirmed that the twinning rate is the highest in older mothers, especially those that are aged over thirty-six years of age.

1905 -- One of the most famous psychologists at that time began to compare

the performance of both fraternal and identical twins on IQ tests, which was Dr. E. L. Thorndike. This comparison raised an important question : IQ- How much is inherited?

1922 -- The first study of identical twins that were separated at birth and raised apart, was finally recorded.

1932 -- The Maxim Gorky Institute in Moscow explored the relative influences of heredity and the environment. The program was dropped in 1936, and then Soviet psychology rehabilitated it in the early 1960's.

1933 -- Early studies of criminality in twins evolved.

1934 -- The Dionne quints were the first and most amazing quintuplets which were born in Canada. As far as everyone knew they were the only quintuplets that had been born and had survived. The Dionne quints were the first all-identical set.

1937 -- Sir Lionel Penrose, a British Doctor, publishes the studies of identical twins . Early proof that circumstances in the womb can even be different for identicals.

1953 -- The Medical Research Council publishes a Special Report on the mental defects in twins. Which concluded that there a major heredity influence.

1962 -- The British studied identical twins that were reared apart for the first time. The British concluded that intelligence and mental illness are linked very closely to heredity.

Identical Twins


1974 -- The International Society for the Study of Twins was founded. (Watson. p. 75-75.)

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En lisant ton post, j'ai tout de suite pensé à une fille avec des gros seins. Je m'excuse pour le "call". J'ai remarquer qu'une fille avec des gros seins reçoit beaucoup plus d'attention et de gentillesse qu'une autre avec moins de "l'atout" rechercher par l'homme. Sachant que recevoir souvent de la sympathie favorise l'estime de sois, la fille va surement grandir avec un caractère différent d'une autre à coté. J'ai aussi plusieurs amies ayant cet atout et j'ai aussi remarqué qu'elles ont certaines ressemblances.

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En lisant ton post, j'ai tout de suite pensé à une fille avec des gros seins. Je m'excuse pour le "call". J'ai remarquer qu'une fille avec des gros seins reçoit beaucoup plus d'attention et de gentillesse qu'une autre avec moins de "l'atout" rechercher par l'homme. Sachant que recevoir souvent de la sympathie favorise l'estime de sois, la fille va surement grandir avec un caractère différent d'une autre à coté. J'ai aussi plusieurs amies ayant cet atout et j'ai aussi remarqué qu'elles ont certaines ressemblances.

Elles ont toutes de grosses boules, c'est ça leur ressemblance? T'as des photos?

Sinon, je suis aller faire un tour à mon ancienne job dernièrement, histoire de revoir quelques anciens collègues. Ils m'ont avoué vouer une profonde haine envers celle qui me remplace, m'expliquant qu'elle est stupide, lente, minable et gossante. Y'en a même une parmi eux qui m'a affirmé qu'elle croyait que le tout était relié au fait que cette nouvelle avait des gènes de trisomiques ou du moins qui s'apparentaient fortement à la trisomie du genre une petite mâchoire, de très petits doigts en boudin, un nez aplati, un nez légèrement retroussé et un face très très ronde. Sur le coup j'ai ri, mais quand j'ai rencontré la dites filles, ça m'a frappé à quel point c'était marquant et en plus, c'est vrai qu'elle est très conne la demoiselle.

J'imagine que ce n'est que de l'autosuggestion de ma part, puisque comme je cherchais "activement" une ressemblance avec un trisomique, j'ai réussi à la trouver, mais quand même, vous croyez que ça peut avoir un lien? Parce que si je me fie à ça la trisomie est avant une maladie chromosomique, les chromosomes étant en quelques sortes les "porteurs" des gènes, right?

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Elles ont toutes de grosses boules, c'est ça leur ressemblance? T'as des photos?

Malheureusement, je ne crois pas qu'elles seraient contentes que je post des photos sur ce forum. ^_^ Pour leurs ressemblances, j'ai porté mon attention sur certains traits de caractères. (désolé, je n'avais pas précisé) J'ai remarqué un peu de naïveté et de la susceptibilité. Enfin, aujourd'hui quel fille n'est pas un peu susceptible ? (sans vous offensés) Je suis aussi d'accord avec toi sur le fait que si l'on veux regarder plusieurs personnes d'un oeil à chercher un trait en particulier, on va favoriser la réussite de la chose. Evidemment, je ne sais pas si mon lien entre leurs seins et leurs trait de caractère sois justifier ou non. Peut-être est-ce seulement un jugement de société, comme dire que les blondes sont stupides, ou que les personne de taille forte son cochonne.

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Malheureusement, je ne crois pas qu'elles seraient contentes que je post des photos sur ce forum. ^_^ Pour leurs ressemblances, j'ai porté mon attention sur certains traits de caractères. (désolé, je n'avais pas précisé) J'ai remarqué un peu de naïveté et de la susceptibilité. Enfin, aujourd'hui quel fille n'est pas un peu susceptible ? (sans vous offensés) Je suis aussi d'accord avec toi sur le fait que si l'on veux regarder plusieurs personnes d'un oeil à chercher un trait en particulier, on va favoriser la réussite de la chose. Evidemment, je ne sais pas si mon lien entre leurs seins et leurs trait de caractère sois justifier ou non. Peut-être est-ce seulement un jugement de société, comme dire que les blondes sont stupides, ou que les personne de taille forte grosses son cochonne.


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En lisant ton post, j'ai tout de suite pensé à une fille avec des gros seins. Je m'excuse pour le "call". J'ai remarquer qu'une fille avec des gros seins reçoit beaucoup plus d'attention et de gentillesse qu'une autre avec moins de "l'atout" rechercher par l'homme. Sachant que recevoir souvent de la sympathie favorise l'estime de sois, la fille va surement grandir avec un caractère différent d'une autre à coté. J'ai aussi plusieurs amies ayant cet atout et j'ai aussi remarqué qu'elles ont certaines ressemblances.

De l'attention, je suis d'accord, mais de la gentillesse, je ne suis pas certaine. En tout cas, pour ma part. J'ai une petite poitrine et je n'ai jamais trouvé que les gens étaient moins gentils avec moi. Je ne dois pas être la seule!

Pour l'attention, c'est certain que des gros seins attirent davantage le regard et la cruise.

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Ces analyses ratent totalement l'élément holiste. J'm'explique. Selon son degré de narcissisme secondaire=de non sensibilité à ce qui l'entoure, l'être humain aura plus ou moins l'air de ce qui l'entoure et l'affecte.

Quand il pleut, j'ai la peau qui brille, par exemple.

Cette troisième variable qui ne se résume pas qu'à la météo, mais comprend toutes les variations de l'environnement et y compris les lourdeurs ou aérations humaines, sera d'autant plus déterminante quand le sujet sera plus réceptif et sensible à ce qui l'entoure, et moins a sa croyance tenace d'etre quelque chose de durable solide et réel.

J'ajoute: la quatrieme variable, c'est la conscience de tout cela et la force vitale qui consiste a s'en libérer assez pour se contenter de ressembler au plaisir que l'on prend.

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